Is there life on Mars: 6 conclusive evidence of the existence of aliens

Scientists around the world hide from us the shocking truth about life on other planets!

Most people are skeptical about the prophecies of ufologists, who say that the first official contact with the aliens is just around the corner. But there would be no trace of mistrust if they could learn about the shocking discoveries gathered by scientists and robots who are studying other planets closely. Some of them leave no doubt about the existence of other civilizations near the Earth.

Geometric ancient settlements

Despite the fact that the Moon is considered a satellite of the Earth, and not an independent planet, it excites the minds of politicians and scientists around the world since the first flight into space. Against the background of global warming and severe pollution of the environment, a possible move to the moon of a part of mankind is being seriously discussed. In 1994, when the Americans once again thought about colonization, they sent a probe "Clementine" to the satellite.

For a couple of months of work, "Clementine" sent to Earth more than 2 million photographs. Someone from scientists came to mind to scale photos - and then they were able to consider some dilapidated settlements of the correct geometric form. The second expedition "Clementine" showed that such structures could be built with only one purpose: to protect the moon's surface from meteor rain. Lunar pits near the remains of the ancient city were struck even more: they were a complex system of underground tunnels.

Troubled messages from Saturn

Since 1997, the station "Cassini" studied the surface of Saturn, electromagnetic waves and the changes that occur with it during the change of seasons. In early 2017, NASA members acknowledged the fact that the device is obsolete, and frequent violations in its work make it impossible to further exploit. It was decided to "kill" the station, forcing it to come as close to the giant planet as possible. Until September 15, "Cassini" will make unique pictures and audio recordings, because of which he will later have to self-destruct.

The first strange message was sent to Earth in late April, when the Cassini dived under the rings of Saturn. Instead of the expected sounds of a collision with space debris and a crackling of dust, there was a screech and a grunt. Specialists managed to move the key of the sounds to hear ... someone's voice. He does not look much like human speech, but his monotony and the ability to parse individual words are not subject to doubt. Already, a version is being put forward that it is the voice of an alien who saw the Cassini from his ship.

Solar Angels

Near the Sun repeatedly noticed the movement of strange objects, but all were written off to electromagnetic storms, flares and hot plasma outbursts. In 2009, the observatory Solar and Heliospheric Observatory was launched: its main task was the round-the-clock surveillance of the luminary. She recorded 4 videos between 2011 and 2016, which show objects called "angels" in the press. A certain essence or matter spilling out from the surface of the Sun took in the form of a human figure with wings in flight. An unidentified flying object splits into thin fiery threads and, describing the circle, returns to the point of ejection.

Salo on Pluto

Discovered in 1930, Pluto was originally considered a hopeless planet in terms of discovering life. It rotates too far from the sun: at its distance the ground temperature of -240 degrees Celsius is considered absolutely normal. At that temperature any liquid or gas will freeze, but someone took care of Pluto and kept the planet warm. When the automatic interplanetary station managed to get to the planet, facts that had been completely devoid of logic were made public. The desert surface of the celestial body is protected by an artificial "fat" layer, but not the one made from pig fat. This is the name for a layer of small ice crystals in water. Due to this extraterrestrial invention, Pluto manages to keep the ocean liquid.

Sphinx and pyramids

The planet, which is most often suspected of having an alien colony, all scientists unanimously call Mars. The lion's share of various discoveries of signs of the existence of flora and fauna is accounted for precisely by it: every two to three months new evidence appears. In 1976, the first snapshot of the Sphinx and a complex of pyramids near it was taken by the Viking orbital station. So far, no other inanimate cosmic find has been able to eclipse these structures. Who and why built them? The age of the Sphinx corresponds to the approximate age of the earthly Sphinx in Egypt - hence, the constructions are somehow linked.

Man on Mars

Animate the same evidence of life on Mars cause even more questions. In January 2016, the Viking aircraft sent to Earth a photograph of an anthropomorphic creature sitting on one of the stones. First, NASA announced the photo as the only proof of the existence of aliens. A week later, the same organization gave up its words and named what was captured in the photo as an "anomaly." To divert attention from a clear silhouette in the picture, they decided the unusual activity of the satellite of Phobos.