Correct sleep

Correct sleep is the basis of health, effective work, beauty and longevity. By depriving yourself of regular, quality, prolonged sleep, you not only knock down the work of all body systems, but also run the risk of premature aging.

How to prepare for bed?

In order for your days to pass cheerfully and fruitfully, the correct organization of sleep is important. Accustom yourself to prepare for it correctly:

Proper preparation for sleep is very simple, and by accustoming yourself to this, you will use your rest hours more effectively.

Correct sleep regimen

Do you think it's enough to just sleep 7-8 hours a day? This is certainly important, but there is one more factor that should not be forgotten. This is the right time to sleep.

Scientists have proved that the deepest, "right" and restoring sleep lasts from 22.00 to 00.00. Thus, if you go to bed after 00.00, you completely miss the most useful time for sleep, which allows the body to recover. In modern life it is quite difficult, but if you sleep at least from 23.00 to 7.00, your body will soon get used to this schedule and will work like a clock.

Another important aspect is compliance with the regime. Getting up to work early in the morning five days a week, and on weekends allowing yourself to "sleep off", you completely break the regime, making it very difficult to get up on Monday. It is recommended to adhere to one regime all the time, and if there is a desire to sleep yet - give it time on weekends in the afternoon.

Correct position for sleep

Let's see if there is a proper pose for sleeping. Of course, any specialist will tell you that it is advisable to sleep on a hard bed, without a pillow, on your back. This position excludes the contact of the face with the pillow, which allows not to be afraid of premature wrinkles, very organic, most favorable for scoliosis and many other diseases. The only problem is that if you are not used to falling asleep in this position, it will be for you it is very difficult.

It is believed that the easiest way to fall asleep lying on your stomach. However, this posture is the most harmful: the face rests on the pillow and the skin is mechanically damaged, the internal organs are squeezed by the weight of the body, blood circulation in the cervical region is disturbed.

A very common and organic posture is on the side. It helps to relieve pain in the digestive organs, soothes and relaxes. However, sleeping on the left side is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, as well as the skin of the face from contact with the pillow.

It is worth to strive to sleep on your back, but if you can not fall asleep at the usual time, stay so on those days when you are very tired and fall asleep on the go. Gradually you will get used and you will be more comfortable in this position.