Allergic dermatitis - treatment

Inflammatory process on the skin, which arises from the influence of certain substances on it, is called allergic dermatitis. This disease often affects both children and adults. However, his true reasons have not yet been clarified. Therefore, the treatment of allergic dermatitis, for the most part, is aimed at eliminating the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Causes of allergic dermatitis

Chemical substances

It can be:

With this type of allergens, acute toxic-allergic dermatitis occurs. It affects, mainly, people who in the course of their professional lives are constantly in contact with irritants (hairdressers, beauticians, builders, plumbers). Most often, allergic dermatitis manifests itself on the hands.

Biological stimuli

They include:

Physical conditions

More often:

Mechanical effects

Such as:

Signs of allergic dermatitis

The main symptoms are:

How to cure allergic dermatitis?

It is not possible to cure completely of this disease, so it is advisable to immediately deal with the elimination of symptoms as soon as there is an exacerbation.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults is to impose an ointment with glucocorticoid hormones on the affected areas to relieve inflammation. In addition, the treating doctor prescribes antihistamines (antiallergic drugs) for oral administration. In turn, the patient must exclude any contact with the irritant, provide adequate nutrition, exclude alcohol. With all recommendations, the symptoms disappear after 1-3 weeks. Treatment of allergic contact dermatitis may not exceed 10 days, if therapy started in the first 3 days of exacerbation of the disease.

At an allergic dermatitis at children in treatment the ointment with high concentration of glucocorticoids is not used, as its application can be dangerous to health of the child. It is advisable to apply a special cream for allergic dermatitis, for example, Triderm or Baxin.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis with folk remedies

Most dermatologists and allergists recommend:

1. Take a bath with herbal decoctions:

2. Carry out aromatherapy with essential oils:

3. Apply home-made ointments. To do this, animal fat (goose, pig) or hypoallergenic baby cream is mixed with sea buckthorn oil.

4. Make compresses of strong herbal infusions:

It should be noted that folk remedies for allergic dermatitis are only an auxiliary method for relieving the symptoms of the disease. Applying only them, you can not get rid of the disease, moreover, long neglect of drug treatment can provoke a severe exacerbation of allergies. Therefore, in any case, the therapy plan should be agreed with the attending physician-therapist and dermatologist.