Hepatology for cats

Many owners of domestic animals naively believe that their pet can not suffer from ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract. However, this, of course, is a misconception that, if you do not start taking it seriously, can cause a serious illness that brings a lot of suffering to your pet. Cats, for example, may experience pain in the liver, which indicates a different severity of diseases of this organ. Fortunately, there is a drug that can alleviate and prevent the development of liver diseases in an animal - this is hepatitis for cats.

Problems with the liver in cats say "no" - will help Hepatovet!

The range of the drug is very wide. He is appointed for preventive therapy and for complex treatment of the liver, suffering from diseases caused by a variety of causes. Also, the drug prescribed in the case of a course of recovery of the organ after cat-borne poisoning.

In the instructions of Hepatitis, the effect of the drug on the improvement and stabilization of the liver's work is associated with the removal of toxic, harmful components from the body of the animal and the improvement of the structural unity of the organ cells. The drug helps accelerate the recovery process after damage to heptocytes. Essential phospholipids included in the preparation contribute to stopping the spread of tissue fibrosis, and also become an effective anti-oxidant, which performs the function of increasing the active state of enzyme systems. The extract of spotted thistle and extract of immortelle help the cat's liver to work correctly and relieve pain from the right hypochondrium. Hepatitis on the elements included in the elements refers to the category of low-risk drugs and its use in these doses does not cause the body any harm.

What you need to know about Hepatovete for cats?

Instruction of Hepatology for cats indicates minor contraindications, including particular intolerance to individual components of the drug, as well as diseases such as hepatic encephalopathy and epilepsy . In other cases, the drug will not cause any discomfort to the animal.

Shelf life of the drug is two years at a temperature of 2 ° C to 25 ° C. With regard to dosage and methods of taking the drug, then the owner should know the following:

It is important to take into account the weight of the pet, since with a large mass the amount of taking the medicine per day can be increased to 6-9 times.

Being a hepatoprotective agent, Hepatitis contains in its component an amino acid methionine, which has a special effect. It promotes the activation of a number of hormones, vitamins and enzymes that help reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also increases the amount of phospholipids. The capacity of the release of Gepotavet is polymeric vials, which are a hepatropic component that improves liver function and preserves the structure of hepatocytes, as well as ammonia in the body.

Thus, the action and effectiveness of the drug will relieve the cat of pain, possible consequences of liver disease and cure of the disease, which can be very insidious and long not to be felt.