Fritters from courgettes - the best recipes for a tasty and healthy dish

Pancakes from courgettes is one of the few dishes that, for all its simplicity, has some merits and has no drawbacks. The American vegetable, which began the procession around the world hundreds of years ago, does not leave the tables of fans of proper nutrition, pleases the vitamin makeup of caring mothers and diversifies the menu of admirers of dietary snacks.

How to cook pancakes from zucchini?

Pancakes from courgettes - a recipe, through which you can not only master the various variations and combinations, but also lose a couple of kilograms . Delicious and simple food does not require special skill, and help culinary "tricks" come in handy for any hostess. General rules when choosing, and the right product neighborhood will lift the snack to a new level.

  1. The young vegetable is crushed with the peel, and in the old and overripe peel and the seeds are removed.
  2. Shredded zucchini mass salt immediately before frying to avoid a large amount of juice.
  3. To get the correct consistency of the test, you should drain the juice and add flour for viscosity.
  4. The dough is laid out on a greased frying pan with a tablespoon and slightly flattened for a uniform roast.
  5. Pancakes from zucchini retain their dietary qualities if baked in the oven.

Fritters with courgettes and cheese

Zucchini pancakes with cheese , not being a dietary dish, will become a nutritious breakfast, the extra calories from which "burn" during the day. Neutral taste of zucchini pulp is perfectly combined with delicate shavings of salted cheese, so that the appetizer does not need seasonings. Such a morning meal will energize all household members.



  1. Zucchini peel, grind and wring.
  2. Add finely grated cheese, eggs and greens.
  3. Put flour into the mixture, mix thoroughly.
  4. Fry fritters from courgettes in oil on both sides.

Fritters from courgettes without eggs

Zucchini pancakes without eggs have a large set of useful properties. The absence of eggs makes the snack easy and gentle. It is perfect for a vegetarian and diet menu, make a diet for people with intolerance to the product. In the process of cooking, the recipe of the dough can be adjusted by introducing a variety of ingredients: cottage cheese, fruit.



  1. Zucchini and carrots grind, add mango, sour cream and soda, slaked with vinegar.
  2. Spoon the mixture into a frying pan and fry the fritters from the zucchini to the rouge.

Fritters from courgettes with garlic

Pancakes from courgettes with cheese and garlic - a spicy dish for lovers of classic hot snacks. This combination is characteristic of Asian and Italian cuisines, in which fresh vegetables are the basis of a daily diet. Use the fruit from the garden with fragrant ingredients - it means to be an expert not only home but also world culinary.



  1. Grate zucchini on a grater.
  2. Cheese with a fork, add zucchini, squeezed through the press garlic, eggs and flour.
  3. Fry squash pancakes for 2 minutes on each side.

Fritters from courgettes and potatoes

Pizza fritters are a recipe in which any vegetable will have a worthy use. The close tandem of potatoes with zucchini not only adds a snack of fullness, rudeness and appetizing appearance, but also relieves the flour, being the binding substance of the test. Financial accessibility, nutrition and simplicity bring snacks to the leaders.



  1. Potatoes and zucchini grate. Press.
  2. Add egg, rusks, parsley and mix.
  3. Fritters from zucchini without flour fry in butter.

Fritters from courgettes with minced meat

Diversify the taste of a simple and healthy vegetable will help minced meat, which turns an easy appetizer into an independent dish, which does not require an additional side dish. Since the roasting speed is high and the food is served "with heat and heat," it is recommended to use chicken minced meat, which is cooked simultaneously with the zucchini. Half an hour and dinner is ready.



  1. Before you cook zucchini pancakes, add eggs, flour, greens to the shredded vegetable.
  2. Put the dough with a spoon in a frying pan, cover with minced meat and re-dough. Form and fry.

Sweet pancakes from courgettes

It is worth adding sugar and a dish from the category of snacks to the sweet dough, which has become a category of sweet desserts, will please not only the kids, but also the parents. Pancakes from zucchini are magnificent and ruddy perfectly absorbed by the children's body and fill it with vitamins, which can be obtained thanks to the useful properties of the vegetable.



  1. Finely grated zucchini mix with flour, egg, soda and sugar.
  2. Fry the pancakes sweet from zucchini in butter until red.

Fritters from frozen zucchini - recipe

Fritters from frozen zucchini - a suitable way to prepare a summer vegetable in winter, using a shop semi-finished or homemade. Extra points spent on defrosting will make it possible to create high-quality food, the recipes of which can be chosen according to your taste: extinguish, get rid of water and scour, fry.



  1. Warm zucchini, get rid of the liquid and scroll with the onion in the blender.
  2. Enter the flour, kefir, egg, season, and, kneading the dough, fry.

Squash pancakes in the oven

Fritters from courgettes in the oven - a classic way to reduce calorie content. The baking technique will require a minimum of vegetable oil, which is definitely appreciated by adherents of proper nutrition. A minimum of salt to preserve the juiciness of the dough, additional vegetable ingredients and a light sauce when serving will help create a dietary dish.



  1. To crushed zucchini, onions and champignons, add flour and egg.
  2. Mix the mass until smooth.
  3. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and place the fritters with a tablespoon.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, turning over if necessary.
  5. Serve the dish with yoghurt sauce.