Crab sticks in battered cheese

Crab sticks fried in battered with cheese, - a wonderful original snack, which will be a worthy adornment of any table.

Fried crab sticks in battered cheese


For batter:


Crab sticks are thawed, we get rid of the film, season with salt, ground black pepper, juice of one third of the lemon and mix. We put it for thirty minutes in the refrigerator.

For batter, we cultivate wheat flour in slightly warmed milk, add yolks ground with salt and let stand for fifteen minutes. Then whisk the proteins into a thick foam, gently enter into the flour mass and proceed to the final stage. Each dipstick is dipped in cooked batter and placed on a well-heated frying pan with a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Stir from both sides and take out on napkins to remove excess fat.

Hot crab steamed crab sticks are sprinkled with finely chopped greens and finely grated Parmesan cheese.

Crab sticks with stuffing are very delicious. As an option, you can take any cheese for filling. To this dish is ideal for garlic sauce .

Stuffed crab sticks with cheese in batter - recipe


For batter:

For sauce:


Crab sticks if necessary defrost and clean the film. Then gently unfold. If this action is hard or the sticks break, you can hold them slightly over the steam. Then we impose on one teaspoon of a stuffing, prepared by mixing finely grated cheese, squeezed through a garlic press and mayonnaise. We distribute it evenly over the entire surface, slightly short of the edge, and give the wand an original shape.

Egg yolks, grind with salt, add beer, water and beat with a fork or whisk. Pour in the flour and mix thoroughly, achieving the density of the mass, in consistency similar to the pancake batter. Cold whites are beaten into a thick, thick foam and gently added to the flour mixture.

In a small small frying pan or stewpot we pour vegetable oil, a layer not less than one and a half centimeters, and heat it on high heat.

Each crab stick is dipped with a fork into the batter and placed in a boiling oil. Fry until browned on both sides and take out on a napkin or paper towel to get rid of excess fat.

To make the sauce, add the sliced ​​finely chopped garlic, fresh herbs, season with lemon juice, salt, ground pepper and mix.

Crab sticks in cheese batter


For batter:


Crab sticks clean, season with lemon juice, pepper and leave to marinate for twenty-five minutes.

We mix eggs, mayonnaise, salt, wheat flour and cheese, passed through a fine grater.

Dip each misshaped stick in the cooked batter and brown it on the hot vegetable oil on both sides and take it out onto the napkins to get rid of the residual oil. The dish is ready.