Kitchen sink - how to choose a practical and stylish option?

An important element is a kitchen sink, the choice of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. These plumbing devices are represented by different manufacturers in a wide range. It is important to first think through all the details so that the purchase is justified.

Types of kitchen sinks

In stores there is a wide range of such plumbing devices, made of different materials, which have their advantages and disadvantages. Finding out which sink is best to choose for the kitchen, you should indicate that there are models of different shapes and differing in the method of installation. All these criteria should be considered in order to find the most suitable option for yourself.

Mortise sink for kitchen

Such models mean that the sides of the shell will be located on the same level with the working surface. This eliminates the soaking of the countertop material, and everything will look ergonomic. In this case, it is very important to make an exact hole for the container, so it is better to entrust the specialist, otherwise it can "walk". Formed joints should be closed with a special silicone sealant. Built-in kitchen sinks can be of different shapes, and made from numerous materials.

Overhead sink for kitchen

This version of the sanitary unit implies installation by placing it on a kitchen cabinet. If you compare this option to the previous one, then the installation of the consignment shell is simpler. The depth of the kitchen sink may be different, and the design may include more than one bowl. The installation is easy to carry out with your own hands, the main thing is to ensure reliable fastening and tightness of joints. There are disadvantages - insufficient hygiene, because water can be in the gaps between the sink and the countertop.

Corner sink for kitchen

In small rooms, the ideal option will be corner options, as they help to save space, ensuring ergonomic space. For kitchen design of the sink can be different, for example, there are pentagonal and triangular variants. The assortment of sinks for placing in a corner is huge, including models with several bowls. It should be borne in mind that corner cleaning will not take place in the corner itself, which can be used to place detergents or other small items.

Round sink for kitchen

For standard and angular placement, round sinks are suitable, which are considered to be the most ergonomic and beautiful. There are small kitchen sinks, as well as large and deep models that are ideal for large families. One of the important advantages is that thanks to the absence of corners behind such containers it is much more convenient to take care of. If desired, you can install models with two bowls.

Square kitchen sink

One of the most common models that can be found in many kitchens. More demanded kitchen sinks for kitchen have such sizes: 50х50 sm or 60х60 see It is quite enough for comfortable washing dishes. Square shells are roomy and they are presented in a wide range of designs. They are made from different materials, so you can choose the right option for yourself.

Rectangular kitchen sink

The shape, which is also popular, can have different sizes, so the most popular ones are 50x125, 50x100 and 50x80 cm. Determining with what type of sink to choose for the kitchen, it is worth pointing out that rectangular products are capacious and functional. This is the best option if the table top is narrow. A rectangular kitchen sink can have two bowls, which is convenient to use.

Double sink for kitchen

If the area allows, you can install a large kitchen set, where there is enough room for a sink, which can include two to four containers. Whatever the design of the kitchen, washing with a few bowls will fit into it perfectly, because there is a rich assortment of models differing in shape, size and materials. The most popular option is a bowl with two bowls, in which the main capacity is larger than the other. The second bowl can be used, for example, to rinse or soak dishes, wash vegetables or fruits and so on.

Narrow kitchen sink

If the area is small, you need to correctly use every square meter. To save space, a mini kitchen sink is useful, which in most cases has a rectangular shape. Even small dimensions do not deprive this plumbing device of practicality. In most cases, the width of such shells is approximately 35 cm, but the length may be different. A small sink will be appropriate for ordinary kitchens, decorated in a minimalist style.

Which sink to choose for the kitchen?

To buy the shell perfectly fitted into the interior and well performed its duties, it is necessary to choose a number of requirements when choosing.

  1. Dimensions. Here you should start from the dimensions of the kitchen and the number of people in the family. If the area is large, then you can choose wide shells with several thickets. When choosing, one should also take into account the depth of the kitchen sink, since the deeper the capacity, the more convenient it is to work with it. The optimal size is 15-20 cm.
  2. Pay attention to the presence and shape of the rim, which can be of different sizes. In the rim there can be an opening for the mixer, dispenser for detergent, filter and so on.
  3. Finding out how to choose a sink for the kitchen, it is necessary to say about the need to determine whether the wing is necessary or not. Here we mean a horizontal plane that opens onto the working area. The wing can only be on one or both sides. It is important that it is comfortable and ergonomic. A popular variant is a wing with a corrugated surface, on which there are guides for water drainage. It must necessarily be inclined so that the water does not stagnate.
  4. To ensure that the product was of high quality, it is recommended to buy sinks of well-known brands. For a small amount you can buy models from HAMA and Alveus. Good in quality, but more expensive is the products of the Blanco brand. If you can not save and are ready to pay a lot of money for washing, then choose the products of such brands: Shock, Elleci, Florentina and others.

Separate attention deserves a modern kitchen sink, which is a kind of work center, because it contains many additional accessories. It is better if they are included in the kit, so that all the details fit the design and technical parameters. Most popular add-ons:

  1. Valve automatic. It is used to control the drain in the sink, that is, with a lever it can be opened or closed. Install it on one edge of the sink (in most cases on the front) and connect with the sink. This is convenient when soaking dishes, so as not to drop hands into the water.
  2. Dispenser. This is a built-in dispenser for detergent. The capacity where the detergent is poured is under the sink and it is not visible. The dispenser dock is in most cases next to the mixer.
  3. The collander. This is the name of a container made of steel or plastic of rectangular shape with holes on the bottom. It is superimposed on the sink and is used for washing fruits and vegetables, and also for defrosting food.
  4. Board. Very convenient mobile board, the ends of which abut the edge of the sink. It can be made of wood, plastic or glass. It is convenient to cut food and drop it into a pan or a sink.
  5. Disposing device. By this means a mini-device, which is a food shredder. Many faced the situation when small food residues killed the sink, which leads to clogging and unpleasant odor. To cope with this problem, the chopper is turned on.

Stainless steel kitchen sink

Stainless steel products are among the most popular options, as the price is affordable, and they have excellent performance.

  1. A metal sink for the kitchen well tolerates temperature jumps, it is not afraid of mechanical impact and abrasive substances. If it is wrong to look after such products, their attractive appearance will deteriorate.
  2. Stainless steel containers are available in a wide range, so models can have different shapes and designs, so you can choose an option for any design design of the kitchen.
  3. During the manufacture of shells, nickel and chrome are used, which adds to the product a pleasant gloss, and also reduces the risk of corrosion. If you want, you can pick up a matte kitchen sink.
  4. The disadvantages include noise with the crane turned on, but some manufacturers produce models with thick walls, which excludes this minus.

Washing ceramic granite for the kitchen

This is a relative novelty in the plumbing market, but many have already been able to appreciate the benefits of this option, although there are also drawbacks.

  1. Ceramic kitchen sink is suitable for different stylistic decorations of the room. It is presented in several colors, for example, in black, brown and gray.
  2. It should be noted that the material is hard, so it is difficult to leave scratches and other damage on it. Do not be afraid of granite tiles.
  3. It is easy to take care of products made of this material, therefore different means and aggressive substances can be used.
  4. It is worth noting that the price for such washers is rather big. In addition, the disadvantage is that because of a strong blow on the sink may be formed chipped.

Kitchen sinks from artificial stone

Since not all natural stones are suitable for this type of sanitary ware, because they are very heavy, they are replaced by composite materials - a mixture of crushed natural stone and polymer resins. Crumb can be made of granite, quartz or marble.

  1. The stone sink for the kitchen is heavy, and the versions made of artificial material are lighter, but look attractive.
  2. Minor damage can be polished, and large ones can be disguised using special compounds.
  3. Products made of artificial stone absorb noise and well withstand the effects of elevated temperatures.

Marble kitchen sink

Beautiful are marble sinks, but this material requires a more thorough care so that the product retains its attractiveness. They are ideal for a classic style.

  1. Sink from the stone for the kitchen can be of different colors, for example, gray, white, black and so on.
  2. The natural material is soft, so if scratches develop on the surface, they can be ground without spoiling.
  3. The kitchen sink in marble is not afraid of high temperatures, but the material is layered and it can form spots, which should be immediately discarded.
  4. Since the products are heavy, it is important to properly install them, providing additional fastening.