Nuts for a person are very useful, but very few people have an idea of how they grow and what they looked like before they came to our table.
Thought nuts grow only on trees? No matter how it is!
1. Peanuts.
Peanuts are very popular in many countries, but most of all in the US, there is a whole cult dedicated to this nut, especially peanut butter, without which no American sees his breakfast. This nut grows in the ground like a potato, so only roots, not sticks, are suitable for food.
2. Brazilian walnut.
Brazil nut is very interesting grows - in one large fruit there is a lot of nuts. Rodents are taken inside the fruit and eat nuts, and some of them are buried in the ground in reserve, and so some of them grow. The tree of the Brazil nut can live for 500-1000 years and reach huge sizes.
3. Walnut.
Everyone's favorite walnut. It is just a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. It is eaten either separately or in baked goods or salads. The nut grows in the form of a tree with round leaves. He has a very powerful root system, so planting trees near houses is not advisable, as they are able to eventually destroy the foundation.
4. Chestnut.
Chestnut very beautifully blooms and has an interesting form of leaves, so in post-Soviet countries it is often planted on the alleys for beauty. Not all chestnuts are used for food, in our region, edible chestnuts are rarely where you can meet. Previously, this nut replaced people potatoes. And today it is a delicacy and is most appreciated, especially on a par with truffles, especially large fruits.
5. Pine nut.
Cedar nut in Russia is suitable for food only from Siberian pine pine, which can grow to three thousand years. The remaining varieties of pine trees do not give edible nuts to humans. Cedar nut is very high in calories, rich in fats and carbohydrates, despite its small size. Brighter than their taste, if the nuts are slightly fried until the allocation of oil from them.
6. Cashew.
Homeland cashews is Brazil. They are interesting for their unusual shape and taste, especially nice to eat slightly salted and fried. The cashew fruit is like apples, very juicy and delicious, and the nut is formed outside these fruits. The fruit does not reach us, as it spoils the day after removing it from the branch. But nuts are very fond of our countrymen.
7. Coconut.
With coconut everyone knows everything, but not everyone knows that this is a real nut. The outer part of the coconut is not suitable for food, but the nut itself, or rather, its milk and internal white contents, is very much in use with culinary demand. A coconut palm grows in hot countries on oceanic coasts.
8. Almonds.
The fruits of almonds are sweet and bitter. For culinary, medical and cosmetic purposes use only sweet almonds. Not so this nut is exotic, as many think. Shrubs of almonds grow in the Crimea and in the southern territories of the post-Soviet space, as well as in Asia and the Caucasus. This nut has a very interesting and spicy taste familiar to many, it is nice to eat both in raw form and in culinary dishes. Because of its spicy taste, almonds are even added to the recipes for the preparation of certain alcoholic beverages.
9. Pecans.
Pecan is a close relative of the walnut, so they even look like taste, but pecans are softer and softer. It is very high in calories: in 100 grams of nut contains 850 calories. The pecan can reach a diameter of 40 meters and bear fruit for 300 years. The native land of this nut is North America.
10. Pistachio.
The homeland of pistachios is Iran and Iraq, where these nuts come from. Pistachio is small in size and has a low crown, unlike other representatives, and also has about 20 varieties. Well tolerates heat and cold to -25 degrees.
11. Hazelnut.
Hazelnut is a cultivated variety of hazel. It grows in the form of a bush and in diameter it can reach 3 meters. The fruits and leaves of this type of shrubs are larger than their wild forest counterparts.