Strabismus - Causes

Have you ever seen people with an unusual look? One eye seems to be looking straight ahead, and the second looks closely at the surrounding situation from the side. Do you think this is a virtuoso ability acquired as a result of long training and associated with the specificity of the profession? However it may be, this person is not a spy, not a secret observer and not an agent of the secret service, he simply suffers from strabismus , the reasons for the appearance, the types and methods of elimination, which will be discussed later.

The causes and types of strabismus

How do people with strabismus, what is the basis of this disease and what kinds does it have? To answer this question, we will have to look at how our eyes are arranged.

So, the eye itself is a ball, placed in the eye socket and suspended on the numerous "rubber" muscles. A huge network of vessels gives him food, and innumerable nerves ensure normal work. And while all the components of this complex mechanism are "singing" in one note, our vision is in order.

But there was a failure, because of which the muscle tone supporting the eyeball, became asymmetric. In this case, the pupil shifts in any direction, and strabismus develops, by the way, this can happen in adults and children. To lead to such a violation can and improper intrauterine development, and poisoning, and trauma, and paralysis, and brain disease, and infection, and much more.

Like any disease, strabismus has its own classification. Depending on the displacement of the pupil, a convergent and diverging strabismus is distinguished, directed upward or downward.

  1. The divergent strabismus is when one or both eyes "look" at the temples, like a hare.
  2. Convergent - this is the so-called " little eyes in a heap," that is, to the bridge of the nose. The worst thing is when the displacement occurs up or down, because the pupils in this case can roll over the eyelid, and to return them to their original position is extremely difficult.

In light cases, strabismus can be unstable, then it is found only when ophthalmologic examination. The angle of strabismus, that is, the degree of deviation of the pupil from the norm, depends on the skewing of certain eye muscles.

Strabismus correction

But whatever the causes and degree of strabismus, it must be treated. All measures to correct strabismus are divided into conservative and surgical. The first includes correction of glasses and lenses , strengthening of the muscles of the eye with exercises, vacuum ophthalmic massage, laser and apparatus therapy. The second - an operation to correct and tighten the eye muscles. Of course, all procedures should appoint an experienced doctor. Believe me, both children's and adult strabismus are remarkably treatable. Just listen to your doctor, carefully follow his advice, and everything will be fine.