Bronchodilator preparations

In diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by bronchial spasms, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, special bronchodilators are prescribed. Previously, the most effective means in this group was adrenaline, which has a lot of side effects. Today's achievements in medicine make it possible to almost completely abandon its use.

Preparations with bronchodilator action

Existing medicines include 2 classes of chemicals:

The first type of bronchodilator drugs affects the receptors, which are responsible for irritation of the nerve endings. The second type produces a direct effect of blocking the spasm by expanding the bronchi tissues. Therefore, anticholinergics are never prescribed as monopreparations, they are used only in combination with adrenomimetics.

It is also worth noting that the result of adrenostimulyatorov work is observed after 15-20 minutes after administration. This indicator for anticholinergics is from 30 to 50 minutes, but their effect is more prolonged.

Bronchodilator preparations with bronchitis

The considered group of drugs is prescribed, as a rule, for the therapy of chronic obstructive bronchitis.


Advantages of these bronchodilators for inhalations are a small number of side effects, the absence of negative effects on the cardiovascular system.

In parallel, it is necessary to use beta-2 antagonists (adrenomimetics):

Particular attention should be paid to a modern combination medicine, which combines adrenostimulators and cholinolytics - Berodual . It is based on 2 active components, mutually reinforcing each other's action, so for the time being it is the most effective.

Also, the doctor can advise the funds of the theophylline group (methylxanthines):

Bronchodilators with asthma

The recommended complex scheme of treatment is based on the choice of one of the three medicines (adrenomimetics):

They are equally effective and relatively safe.

If you can not use one of these three drugs, you can buy:

Among holinolitikov doctors advise 4 medicines:

Bronchodilator drugs in COPD

With the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and remission, individually selected treatment regimens are applied, which include the following:

In rare cases, in the severe course of the pathology, methylxanthines are additionally prescribed, in particular, Eufilong and Teolek.

Bronchodilating folk remedies

Using such medications, it should be borne in mind that they do not produce the same rapid effect as adrenomimetics and even anticholinergics, they help only with prolonged admission.

Ginger tincture:

  1. Grind 400 g of ginger root, pour with purified alcohol (0.5 liters).
  2. Insist in a warm place (on the windowsill) 2 weeks, sunlight is allowed to enter the container.
  3. Strain the solution and wring out the pulp.
  4. Drink 1 teaspoon of tincture, washing down with 3 sips of water. Take after meals twice a day.

Garlic-lemon extract:

  1. Five lemons and 2 heads of garlic grind, mix with 1 liter of water, slightly cool or at room temperature.
  2. Insist for 5 days without placing in the refrigerator.
  3. Strain the drug.
  4. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon approximately 20 minutes before meals.