Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar, called hypoglycemia, is a dangerous condition that causes a sharp deterioration in well-being, which in some cases can lead to serious consequences due to a disturbance in brain nutrition.

Causes of low blood sugar levels

In addition to metabolic disorders, if the blood sugar level is below normal, this can be caused by the following reasons:

Symptoms of low blood sugar

If at this stage not to take appropriate measures, the condition deteriorates rapidly, appear:

What threatens low blood sugar?

With a slight but long-term decrease in blood sugar, for example, against a background of a rigid diet, there will be a constant decline in strength, fainting, trouble concentrating.

In acute hypoglycemia, the consequences can be extremely severe, up to irreversible disorders of brain activity, stroke, hypoglycemic coma. Severe complications are relatively rare, usually in diabetic patients , but in any case, a frequent or prolonged decrease in the level of sugar has a negative effect on brain activity.

Treatment of low blood sugar

With a low level of sugar in the blood, when symptoms of hypoglycemia are directly observed, it is necessary to replenish the glucose level in the body. For this you need to eat or drink something sweet:

To maintain a normal level of sugar fast-digestible products (with sugar content) are better combined with those that are digested gradually (flour products, etc.). To consume oil and other foods high in fat is not recommended - they slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.

Prevention of lowering blood sugar levels is solved by proper diet and special diets. To avoid reducing sugar after exercise or other loads, you need to eat before you engage in manual work.