Swine flu in children - symptoms and treatment

Influenza infection is a very serious problem for young children. When the morbidity threshold is exceeded and quarantine is declared everywhere, it becomes scary for the lives of babies whose immunity is not yet able to fight the disease to a hollow strength. In order to start treatment of swine flu in time, it is necessary to know its symptoms and the difference from other strains of this virus.

How swine flu develops in children - symptoms

A peculiarity of the course of the disease is its lightning fastness, that is, for some day, or even less after contact with the virus carrier, the temperature rises sharply and the phenomena of catarrhal etiology - cough, pain and sore throat, runny nose and nasal congestion are attached to it.

Cough, as a rule, dry, nasal, not bringing relief. From him the muscles of the tummy begin to ache in the child, and sometimes he complains of pains in the back - between the shoulder blades and in the waist. The nose is at first laid, but a few days later a runny nose may begin.

Older children, note the heaviness in the whole body, the soreness of the muscles, the constant desire to sleep. Often there is vomiting and diarrhea together or separately. On the body and limbs, there is a rash.

The main symptoms of swine flu in young children under one year are similar to other strains of the virus, but they do not appear as usual on the 5th-7th day after infection, but much more quickly. The temperature rises sharply to the critical level.

If the infant has such symptoms of swine flu as shortness of breath, blanching and even blue skin of the face and body, as well as a nasolabial triangle, vomiting, upset of the stool, and a sharp deterioration in the state after the recovery begins, this is an occasion for immediate medical attention.

Signs and symptoms of swine flu in children include a very high temperature up to 40 ° C which does not get off or decrease slightly. This is a very dangerous condition that dehydrates the body.

As you know, in small children, all processes are much faster than in older children and adults. Accordingly, the earlier the baby is helped, the more chances for recovery without complications.

Treatment of swine flu in children under one year

For uncomplicated course of the disease, antibiotics are not used. Unfortunately, the list of drugs for treating swine flu in children is not that wide. These include common antipyretic agents - Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. In no case should children be given aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. It is very harmful to children and up to the age of 16 it is strictly forbidden to use.

To directly control the virus of the H1N1 strain, children are given Tamiflu. It is recommended for babies from birth to the age of five, especially if there is an accompanying heart disease, diabetes, asthma, neurological disorders. The most effective is this remedy in the first two days.

In addition, prescribe drugs to support the immune system - interferon, viferon and other ferones at the discretion of the doctor.

Cough and rhinitis treatment standard - droplets in the nose for babies and drugs for liquefaction of mucus. It is very important in the period of illness at any temperature to give the child to drink a children's gull or ordinary boiled water. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the number of applications per day should be increased.

It is desirable that the baby observe bed rest, although it is very difficult to achieve this with small children. The room where the sick person is, should often be ventilated and cleaned. Very important humidity of air - not less than 65-70%.