The child often croaks

In this article, we will consider the peculiarities of the stool in children: how often should the child swing, what is considered the norm, and what changes in feces can be a sign of disease.

Quickly and unequivocally answer the question, why the child often croaks, it is impossible. To do this, you need to study the features of his diet (and often the ration of the nursing mother), exclude the possibility of intestinal infections or congenital diseases, and conduct laboratory tests. That is why in the case when a child goes too often "in large", it is so important to get help from doctors in time.

Before talking about violations of stool in children, it is necessary to determine the criteria for the norm.

"Potty" norms in children

It should be understood that the frequency of stool and the amount of stool in children are directly dependent on a number of factors, in particular, the type and amount of food, the presence or absence of complementary foods and their nature, etc.

To say that a baby often (or rarely) croaks, it makes sense only after the analysis of his diet. A newborn baby who is breastfeeding will often swallow a child of the same age on artificial feeding. On average, babies-naturalists pump 6-7 times a day. For artificial crumbs, a stool is considered normal 3-4 times a day.

In this case, the feces must be homogeneous, mushy, without the addition of bile, mucus or blood. Usually, the color of the newborn's stool is yellow, but with artificial feeding it is often brownish. From time to time in the feces of the baby can appear bright lumps ("undigested chair"). If this is not repeated often, special treatment with such a chair is not required.

The reasons that the child became more likely to swing can be: