Chubby in boys

Bringing a small package from your maternity home, in which your treasure is snuffling, it's hard to believe that in 15-20 years a tiny boy will be higher than his mother, his voice will turn into a bass, and then to his grandchildren not far away. In the meantime, it is difficult to resist not touching your lips with tiny handles, chubby legs and a tender tummy. Here are just the obvious masculine signs that are hidden under the diaper, cause the young mother some embarrassment. What can I say, even if pediatricians bypass this area by planned inspections somehow deftly and very quickly.

And what are the feelings of mothers, seeing the first erection in boys, which can occur already on the first or second day of their lives, even difficult to imagine. Here, and surprise, and embarrassment, and even pride in his little man.

Causes of erection

Since we are talking about small boys, the main reason, erotic experiences, we will move aside. The first erection in children is a kind of check. The body tests itself as to whether everything is all right with it. Early erection in infants is a completely natural physiological process, which, regardless of age, is experienced by all individuals of the male sex. Moms always notice when the boys start an erection, but pay special attention to it is not necessary. At two or three years old they are actively studying their own body, and the penis is of considerable interest. An alarm signal is a sharp increase in erections in a more adult age. This can lead to excessive physical exertion, improper nutrition, parasite infection, diabetes and other diseases. If there are any suspicions, contact the boy with a doctor.

The future man

When a child reaches the age of ten, he enters the phase of puberty. So, an erection in teenagers is a direct evidence of interest in the opposite sex. But parents from the circle of people aware of this phenomenon, most likely, will already be excluded, because teenage erections occur against the backdrop of complexes, the age crisis and other "delights" of this period. But this does not mean that parents should pretend that they do not suspect anything. It is at this time it is necessary to acquaint the young man with the rules of contraception, because that first thought about grandchildren, which appeared after coming from the hospital, can come true before you and he wanted it.