How to help a child with constipation?

When a child suffers from constipation, how to help him, every parent should know. In this case, the main role is played by the detection of constipation. The symptomatology can be the following:

It is not necessary to be seen as a constipation lack of stool for one or two days, if at the same time its consistency is normal, and the child does not complain about anything. Moreover, one can not require the child daily bowel movement.

In search of an answer to the question of how to help a child with constipation, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate its possible causes:

  1. First, you need to normalize the food, reducing (and, if possible, excluding), the use of eggs, white bread, meat, sausages, cheese, sweets.
  2. Secondly, you need to give your baby more fluids, since often it is in her lack that the reason for this unpleasant condition is.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to force the son or daughter to move more, since the lack of motor activity leads to the fact that digestion becomes sluggish. Therefore, you need to walk, run and jump as much as possible.
  4. Fourth, it is necessary to eliminate such possible causes-provocators of constipation as stresses, emotional experiences, conflicts. To do this, you can contact a psychologist.

What to give a child with constipation?

So, the above was mentioned about the exclusion of some products from the baby's diet, but what to feed the child with constipation? Experts advise the following:

It is also important to know what to do for a child with constipation, if the situation is urgent. To solve this problem, you need a pear for enema. The enema needs to be made with boiled water, you can use a chamomile broth, putting the baby on your left side and tucking at his legs. Also, massage of the tummy clockwise helps well. If nothing helps, and there is no stool for several days, you should always consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs.