Breast engorgement in newborns

After the birth of a child in the body of a serious restructuring processes occur, because the baby adapts to life outside the mother's womb. Significant changes occur in hormonal manifestations, including the neonate observed engorgement of the mammary glands. This phenomenon causes parents to worry about the health of the baby.

Sexual crisis in a baby

Swelling of mammary glands in a newborn is a manifestation of a sexual crisis. During pregnancy, the mother and child organisms are completely interconnected, as a result of which female sex hormones enter the fetus through the placenta. After birth, the amount of estrogen decreases sharply, this entails a change in other hormones. Thus, hormonal changes cause the newborn to have a densification and enlargement of the mammary glands up to 5 cm.

Changes in the mammary glands go through 2 - 4 weeks without any treatment. Basically, the sexual crisis is observed in term infants, most often in girls. To some extent, the phenomenon is present in 70% of infants. Parents are advised to observe the usual hygiene, raspashki and diapers to choose soft, to exclude rubbing. In this period it is important not to overcool the child, but it is impossible to apply heat to his mammary glands.

Mastitis in newborns

Mastitis - acute inflammation of the breast occurs when the parents decided to "treat" the child with ointments, warming up or worse, squeezing milk out of the glands of the baby. Also, the inflammation of the mammary glands in a newborn occurs when the care is wrong, when the baby has sweating and the infection enters the nipple zone. The child has a fever, he is restless, crying, his appetite drops. Gradually, redness grows in the nipple zone, the skin becomes painful and hot.

Treatment of mastitis in a newborn

If you suspect a mastitis, you should immediately contact a surgeon. Treatment includes the application of compresses and the use of antibiotics. With purulent mastitis, an autopsy of the swollen mammary glands is performed with the removal of pus. Appoints absorbable ointments, physiotherapy and antibiotics.

It is important: in case of improper treatment, the disease passes into a chronic form, the part of the gland may die or the occlusion of the gland ducts may occur, which in the future will lead to problems in lactation.