How to become pregnant while bending the uterus?

Bending of the uterus is a fairly common phenomenon and is formed as a result of loss of tonus of the pelvic ligaments, due to the inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, as well as tumors of the appendages. All these cases contribute to the displacement of the uterus from a central location to one side.

For the time being, a woman may not even suspect that she has a uterine bend. This is revealed, as a rule, when examining the genitals of a gynecologist. Usually the displacement of the uterus does not affect the state of health, but in some cases pain can occur during sexual intercourse and during menstruation. However, not at all these symptoms encourage women to correct the data defect. The main negative moment in the bending of the uterus is the problem with conception. In this case, women who dream of becoming mothers face the important question: "Is it possible to conceive with the bending of the uterus and how to do it?"

Displacement of the uterus is not a contraindication to the bearing of a child, and it is possible to become pregnant in this situation. For this to happen, it is necessary to take advantage of the recommendations of specialists on the selection of postures for conception, as well as to increase the tone of ligaments with the help of physiotherapy exercises and other activities.

Cervical bend and pregnancy

How does the bending of the uterus affect the onset of pregnancy? The displaced uterus entails a change in the position of its neck, which is a kind of "corridor" for spermatozoa on the way to the egg. Bending the cervix to one side reduces the chances of conception, since its cervical canal is difficult to access in this case to get into it a male seed. A strong bend of the uterus can completely reduce the probability of pregnancy to zero.

The diagnosis of the bending of the uterus is made by the gynecologist as a result of the examination, when he sees the deviations of the placement of the uterus and cervix in either side: from the center back, anteriorly, to the right and to the left. To correct her situation, the doctor can appoint:

When are more likely to become pregnant?

A woman with a uterine bend should use the techniques and methods of her centralization if she wants to become pregnant. Attempts to conceive better to plan for the most probable days of ovulation - a time when there is a high probability of becoming pregnant. For maximum effectiveness it is recommended to have sex more often these days.

Postures with bending of the uterus

If a bend of the uterus is found back, in this case, during the sexual act, the knee-elbow position of the woman is recommended, when the partner is at the back. After sex, a woman should not immediately get up, but it is worth lying on her stomach for 10-15 minutes.

If a bend is detected, the missionary position will be effective: the woman lies on her back, and the partner is on top. In this situation, you can put a pillow under the woman's buttocks to raise the pelvis. After intercourse a woman is recommended to adopt the "birch" pose, which helps spermatozoa get to the cervical canal.

Exercises for bending the uterus

Exercising an exercise course to increase the tone of the pelvic ligaments stimulates the natural pulling of the uterus toward the center. Among the recommendations of therapeutic gymnastics are exercises that you need to perform lying on your stomach, while following the following instructions:

  1. Alternately bend the legs in the knees.
  2. Alternately raise the straightened leg back.
  3. Simultaneously raise the straightened both legs.
  4. Turn over on his back, return to the starting position.
  5. Raise the upper part of the trunk.
  6. Leaning on the forearm and socks, raise the trunk.