Makeup by Sophia Loren

Considering the icon of the style of Sophia Loren for all the years of her work in cinematography, it can be confidently asserted that she had a certain image of herself that carried the main goal of fashion - elegance and style. And the essence, in her opinion, is not in the most expensive clothes, but in the choice of quality, color attire, way of life and in self-expression. Sophie's position is that any woman who wants to look elegant and tasteful should go to a clothing store with a definitely accumulated amount, relying on her maximum financial possibilities. This means that it is not necessary to have a stuffed wardrobe in your apartment with clothes, but it is enough to have a few good outfits that correspond to the girl's way of life, but they are of high quality, matched in color, and tasteful.

Makeup in the style of Sophia Loren

Speaking about the makeup of Sophia Loren, it is impossible not to recall her main phrases about the beauty of a woman. She said that any representative of the weaker sex, with proper care of herself, over the years from an ugly woman can turn into a beautiful swan and vice versa, having beauty from nature, it is very easy to lose her without taking care of her external data.

According to Sophia Loren one of the main rules of successful make-up is a healthy, strong sleep . But the thing that the actress always liked to focus on is the eyes. Sophia Loren's green eyes, which she always stressed with arrows in the style of a cat's look, her eyebrows are raised and painted with a dark pencil, her face has a natural color, peach blush, lipstick is always soft tone and always without mother-of-pearl.

Eye makeup Sophia Loren

The essence of Sophia Loren's makeup is always her dark eyes, with expressive thick arrows, and curly eyelashes, painted on top and bottom. These eyes reduced many men to their open sensuality.