30 girls who lost control of their ... eyebrows!

It seems that the system has failed ... But how else to explain the fact that every gloss and popular women's shoes from the skin try to collect advice from beauty bloggers and create step-by-step lessons on applying makeup if there are girls who want to forbid touching cosmetics?

And if some beauties from our collection to the lips have not yet managed, then they lost their control over their eyebrows definitively and irrevocably ...

1. And like everything would start so well ...

2. Was the hand shaking?

3. Yes, it's just a "eyebrow bank" some!

4. When I found inspiration ...

5. Another bit and they would be inseparable!

6. Oh, to this we were not ready ...

7. Eyebrows in the style of "minimalism"

8. When exactly performed the tips from the video lesson, but then went into the courage!

9. It seems, has not decided yet, who will be - a geisha or Malvina!

10. So, how does "terrible power" look in life? This is us about beauty ...

11. When shaving, the main thing to remember is where to draw ...

12. Are you weak?

13. Creative people find it difficult to stop!

14. And you all thought how to make a stern and self-confident look?

15. Perestaralas with mimicry!

16. Hopefully it was a flushing pen!

17. The main thing is that both eyebrows are the same!

18. A little bit more and they ... will run away!

19. A-ah-ah! Epidemia of the eyebrows!

20. Well, this form has not yet been fixed by tattooing!

21. And his eyebrows healed ...

22. And this is a real eyebrow flight!

23. Everything, now walk with a surprised look for several months!

24. Well, take someone from her cosmetics!

25. And natural eyebrows now is not an option at all?

26. Here it is, a stylish monobrush!

27. Brovki the house ...

28. All the same in a fashion this monobrov ...

29. Ursula, are you this ?!

30. Beauty in a million.