15 biological differences between a man and a woman you did not even know about

It is a mistake to believe that man and woman differ only in appearance, since scientists have already been shown that the list of biological differences is more extensive, and now you will be convinced of this.

The main signs of the difference between men and women are known even to children. If you go a little further than the obvious physiological details, you can find many more biological features that distinguish between the strong and the weaker sex. Believe me, you did not even know much about this list.

1. Face and head

If you look at the faces of people of different sex, you can see obvious differences, for example, sharper features, but studies have shown that, on average, women have faces wider than men. As for the shape of the skull, there is also a difference in it, so, in the stronger sex, the outer occiput (located at the bottom of the back of the skull) is slightly larger than that of the beautiful ladies. Their jawbone is also heavier than that of women.

2. The form of breathing

Women have aerobic respiration, which uses oxygen, but men can get energy if necessary (lack of oxygen or aerobic respiration, for example) from anaerobic respiration, for which oxygen is not needed.

3. Hearing

It is known that with age the hearing deteriorates in everyone, only in the representatives of different sex it happens in its own way. Women begin to poorly hear low sounds, but men, on the contrary - high.

4. The Brain

There are differences in the work of the brain, for example, women perform many different tasks at the same time much better, but men are more easily given spatial knowledge.

5. Birth defects

Statistics show that boys are more likely to have birth defects. This is a real explanation - girls have a pair of X-chromosomes, whereas in men this pair looks like XY.

6. Fingers

Differences can be seen and on the hands, so, in the fair sex, the index finger is in most cases longer than the unnamed, and in men, on the contrary.

7. Stuttering

Studies have shown that boys suffer from stuttering much more often than girls.

8. Mortality

Statistics show that more men die from almost all diseases, except for exclusively women's ailments, for example, breast cancer, reproductive system diseases, and benign tumors.

9. The circulatory system

Scientists have determined that there are more red blood cells and less water in the blood of men, and vice versa in women. In addition, in the body of representatives of the stronger sex, the blood circulates evenly throughout the body, and in women the concentration and circulation of blood is higher in the pelvis and vital organs.

10. Eyes

In the fair sex, the upper edge of the orbit is much sharper than in men. Ladies have excellent peripheral vision, but the opposite sex better looks around the surrounding space. It is believed that this ability is associated with evolutionary roots, when men were hunters, and women were engaged in gathering. In addition, ladies are much better in distinguishing shades of different colors, so asking your loved one to buy a fuchsia-colored scarf is pointless.

11. Distribution of fat

In men and women, the fat tissue is distributed differently. In the fair sex, fat is more concentrated in the abdomen and hips, forming a kind of ring. In males, fat is deposited between organs, and it is called visceral.

12. Infarction

There is a difference in the functioning of the heart, which manifests itself during an infarction. When an attack occurs, the man exhibits all the classic symptoms, for example, pain in the chest and jaw, but in women they are different, and they can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases (stomach, intestines, spine), which is very dangerous.

13. Eyelashes

This is the real injustice, because, on average, men have longer eyelashes than women, so many girls increase them.

14. The liver

An interesting fact is that in two sexes, about a thousand genes associated with the liver differ from each other. For this reason, the organisms of men and women differently process many foods and drinks.

15. Intellectual Deviations

Men like to joke about the intellectual abilities of women, but experiments have shown that the average percentage of deviations in the stronger sex is higher, which explains the high percentage of both geniuses and the mentally retarded. In addition, statistics show that autism in boys is four times more common.