Goulash with chicken fillet and gravy

There are hundreds of ways to cook chicken, but one of the leaders for a long time is a chicken goulash with gravy.

Secrets of goulash

One of the advantages of goulash - you can cook a large pot of meat with gravy, and coming from work, cook or porridge, or paste, or mashed potatoes. A hearty and delicious dinner is provided. Just add goulash from chicken fillet with gravy, the recipe is quite simple.



  1. The most delicious is goulash from chicken fillet with tomato paste and paprika. This is the best combination for the cold season.
  2. We start to cook by cleaning the onions and carrots. Onions shredded cubes less, and carrot three, using a large grater.
  3. Chicken fillet cut into cubes "for one bite", washed and dried.
  4. Heat the oil and fry chicken in portions. When the fillets form a uniform crust on the pieces, we remove them from the pan.
  5. Once all the meat is browned, put onions and carrots in a pan. Stirring, stew for a couple of minutes, return the meat and pour in a third of the broth.
  6. We simmer on a slow fire under the lid for 20 minutes, if necessary, add the broth.
  7. The meat became soft, we add the remaining ingredients: it is better to firstly spread the tomato paste in the remaining broth, let the garlic through the press, salt, pepper, pour spices and paprika. Stirring, prepare another 5 minutes.
  8. Delicious goulash from chicken fillet is ready, it remains to come up with a side dish.

Another goulash

Goulash from chicken fillet with sour cream is much more gentle and will be pleasant even to those who do not like a combination of meat and dairy. By the way, it's very easy to cook goulash from chicken fillet in a multivarquet.



  1. Chop the chicken fillets in thin strips to make it ready faster.
  2. At half the preheated oil fry to a ruddy crust meat.
  3. Onions are cleaned and finely shredded. In the cup multivarka pour oil, put onions and in the "Hot" mode for 10 minutes, stirring, cook.
  4. Add the meat and set the "Quenching" mode for 20 minutes. If necessary, pour a little water - depends on the model of multivarqua and juiciness of chicken meat.
  5. When the end of the process signal sounds, add the sour cream, paprika, salt and spices, mix well and put for another 5 minutes in the same mode. The dish should warm up well, but not boil over so that the sour cream retains its cream structure.
  6. When serving, do not forget about greens, pickles and marinades - they perfectly complement the dish. As you can see, you can cook goulash from chicken fillet under everyone's power.