What if the dog was bitten by a wasp?

Bites of winged insects bring trouble not only to people, but also to their four-legged friends. A particular danger is possible allergic reactions. An allergy can be in a dog both congenital and acquired. In any case, the bite of a wasp can have serious consequences.

The dog was bitten by a wasp-symptoms

An allergic reaction often occurs when the dog has been bitten by a dog in the face or neck. It appears as a strong tumor, difficulty breathing, purple color of the tongue, foam from the mouth, vomiting , loss of consciousness. All this suggests that the dog begins anaphylactic shock.

What if the dog was bitten by a wasp by the muzzle?

The situation with a strong allergic reaction requires immediate assistance. Urgent inject the animal with potassium chloride as a prick or infusion into the tongue. You can also enter from 2 to 4 ml Dexamethasone.

After first aid, you need to take the dog to a veterinary clinic. There your pet will be provided with further necessary assistance.

What if the wasp was bitten by a dog in the paw?

If a wasp has bitten a dog in the paw, you should immediately give her an antihistamine. It can be Suprastin, Fenkarol, Dimedrol, Tavegil. Give at once 1-2 tablets. If the dog is bitten in several places, it is better to make her an injection of antihistamine. The bite site, after removing the sting, should be treated with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 or a solution of soda (10 grams per 600 ml of water). It is not bad to rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

A soothing cold compress works well - it relieves swelling. After biting, let the dog drink a lot.

If the bite falls on the trunk and limbs, these measures will be enough. Do not stop watching the condition of the animal. If there is a serious swelling, if it increases or if the previously described symptoms of an allergy occur, show the dog to the veterinarian.

If there is no possibility to take the animal to the clinic, try to consult a specialist by phone. Going to the hike in the woods, always carry the medication for first aid.

Keep calm

The main thing, while doing all these manipulations, keep the maximum composure. The dog should not see that you are nervous, then she will also remain calm and allow herself to be examined and quietly remove the sting with a bag of poison. By the way, do not squeeze the sting much, so that the bag does not burst and the poison does not hit the wound. Provide the animal peace, and everything will be fine.