Teaching methods - the most effective methods and techniques

The path from student to professional lies through overcoming difficulties. The choice of method of teaching affects the effectiveness and speed of learning, because the interaction of the student and the teacher is a mutual process, depending on the teacher's ability to correctly teach the material.

Classification of teaching methods

Teaching methods are the orderly ways of supplying knowledge, skills and habits from the teacher to the learner. Without this process are impossible: the realization of goals and objectives, knowledge and assimilation of material. Types of teaching methods:

  1. Practical - refer to active methods, the main purpose of which is to strengthen students' theoretical skills in practice. They form a high motivation for further activity and training.
  2. Visual methods - are carried out by means of interactive means. The submission of the material becomes more successful and maximizes the use of the human visual sensory system.
  3. Verbal teaching methods are traditional methods that were considered the only possible several centuries ago. With the help of the word, during the lesson you can transfer a large layer of information. The auditory channel of perception is involved.

Active learning methods

Active or practical teaching methods occur in a democratic manner and are aimed at activating thinking, awakening activity in students, which ensures:

Active methods of training include:

Interactive teaching methods

Visual methods of teaching, or in modern sounding interactive, one of the important directions for mastering the teaching material in perfection. As an innovation - an interactive approach emerged in the early 90s of the XX century. and is actively used now. Interactive methods are aimed at solving the following tasks:

Examples of interactive methods are:

  1. Brainstorming as a method of training was invented in the late 30's. A. Osborne. Brainstorming involves stimulating creative decisions that are pounced in large numbers and are not analyzed at the initial stage.
  2. The method of synectics is a heuristic method of advanced brainstorming. Develops creative imagination through the unification of heterogeneous elements that are inadequate in meaning and participants look for analogies, or points of contact of incompatible objects.

Passive learning methods

Traditional methods of teaching or passive are considered classics in education and are successfully applied in modern times. The positive aspects of this type of training is the possibility of oral delivery of a large amount of material for a certain period of time. The drawbacks of verbal methods include one-sidedness of the process (the lack of effective communication between the teacher and the student).

Passive methods include the following forms of training:

  1. Lecture (lesson) - a consistent presentation by the lecturer of a specific topic in verbal form. Submission of material even a boring subject can interest the student, if the speaker has charisma and interest in his specialty.
  2. A video course is a modern method of teaching. Has high efficiency, if used in conjunction with the discussion of the material viewed in the classroom with the teacher and other students.
  3. Seminar - conducted after a course of lectures on specific topics in order to consolidate the material that has been passed. There is a two-way communication and discussion.

Modern methods of teaching

The sphere of education is rapidly developing, the need for innovations is dictated by the time itself. Innovative teaching methods began to be introduced into the learning processes by the 60s of the XX century. It is accepted to divide modern innovative methods into 2 types: imitative (imitative - aimed at creating an artificially modeled environment) and non-imitative ones.

Simulation methods of teaching:

Unimportant methods of teaching:

Methods of control and self-control in training

Training is a process that needs to be monitored in order to reveal the material learned by the students and how deeply. If the mastery of knowledge is low, the teachers analyze and revise the methods and methods of teaching. There are several forms of control of the learning process:

  1. Preliminary control - is carried out at the beginning of the school year, to assess the overall situation of the preparedness of students, fixing the previous years of study.
  2. The current control is the verification of the passed material, the identification of gaps in knowledge.
  3. Thematic control - the passed topic or section needs to be checked, for this purpose, tests, tests are carried out.
  4. Self - control - the method involves working with similar models of solutions, answers are offered to tasks - the learner's goal is to find a solution that will lead to the correct answer.

Choice of teaching methods

Teachers use different methods of professional training for a successful pedagogical process. The choice of training methods depends on many factors:

Conditions for the effectiveness of teaching methods

Effective methods of education assume a high result at the output of training, which is monitored by means of control. Teaching methods can be considered effective if the student demonstrates:

Teaching methods - books

The main methods of teaching are used in the system of education and preschool institutions and universities. People who chose the path of teaching are difficult to navigate in the various classifications of methods. Professional literature comes to the aid:

  1. "Fundamentals of learning: didactics and methodology . " Textbook. allowance for universities Krayevsky VV, Khutorskoy AV - The book describes the methods of modern teaching for teachers.
  2. "Active methods of teaching: a new approach . " Genike E.A. interesting and professionally described new interactive teaching methods.
  3. "Pedagogy" (under the editorship of Pidkasistogo) . Textbook for students of pedagogical colleges.
  4. "Methods of teaching public disciplines in higher education . " Liaudis V.Ya. - for students and teachers.