How to remove fleas from a cat?

If you find a flea from your kitty, then you must start to remove them. After all, fleas are carriers of dangerous diseases. Let's look at what fleas fear cats and how to get them out.

Preparations against fleas in a cat

Did your cat just have a few fleas, and they did not have time to multiply? Then you can redeem the animal: fleas can not tolerate water and leave the cat's wet body.

As practice shows, in order to save the cat from more serious infection by fleas, there are several ways:

  1. To remove fleas from a cat, you can buy a collar , which is impregnated with a special insecticide. Fleas on contact with him die or leave the body of the animal. Effective collar in 2-3 months. Sometimes cats may experience irritation from the collar. Then you need to use other measures to combat fleas.
  2. Drops from fleas are also an effective remedy for fleas for cats. It is enough to drop a few drops on the withers of an animal, and the fleas will die or flee. Most often use drops brands Bars, Bayer Advocaat, Hartz.
  3. Sprays from fleas are effective, however they are very toxic. If you decide to use the spray to remove the fleas, treat all the cat fur from the bottle and do not let it lick for several hours. The effect will be immediate: the fleas instantly die before they leave the cat's body. Recommended for use are frontline sprays, Bars, Delix.
  4. Shampoos from fleas have no side effects, as they are washed off the cat's body with water. After such a bath, six animals must be carefully combed out to remove the larvae. Shampoos are used for the prevention of cats walking on the street. Popular shampoos from fleas are Delix, Demos-Lux, Rolf Club.
  5. There is also a special powder from fleas , but it is ineffective, as quickly crumbles, and the cat can easily lick the powder.
  6. Pricks and tablets against fleas for cats can be used by a veterinarian in the case when the animal for some reason can not be treated externally.

As you can see, there are many different preparations from fleas in a cat, so what is better to use, you will be advised by a veterinarian.