Hypoallergenic breeds of dogs

Sometimes the main obstacle in the friendship of a person with an animal is the physical intolerance of the former in relation to the second. In simple terms, an allergy. The main reasons that cause allergy are two: dog's saliva and dandruff. Dandruff are small, peeling pieces of skin that, when inhaled, can lead to impairment of their functions. If pets moult little, the risk of such tolerance is significantly reduced. It is considered that such breeds of dogs have hypoallergenic hair. However, the risk of allergy even in this case does not completely disappear. Therefore, if you have an indomitable desire to start a four-legged pet, choose a dog from some hippo-allergenic breeds. Then try to spend some time with it, thus as if checking your compatibility. Let us repeat that breeds of dogs, no matter how they are hypoallergenic, can not guarantee 100% of the absence of allergies.

The most hypoallergenic breeds of dogs

Here is a list of the most hypoallergenic breeds of dogs. Perhaps one of them will be your future companion. We decided to break this list up into two parts, depending on the size of the pets.

Breeds of small hypoallergenic dogs

  1. Affenpinscher . One of the representatives of the most hypoallergenic breeds of dogs. It's a cheerful, energetic, easily trained and quick-witted dwarf dog. She loves her family and especially children.
  2. Australian Terrier. This is a very cheerful and funny dog. He is friendly to children, it is easy enough to bring up. Very little shedding. If this tomboy senses the alarm, he will immediately raise everyone's ears.
  3. Bedlington Terrier. Despite its size, this representative of the breed of dogs with hypoallergenic hair is very inquisitive and fearless. Always cheerful and playful, likes to be close to the owner and always aspire to like him. If you live outside the city, be vigilant, these four-legged friends are talented diggers.
  4. Bichon Frize. Very cute and beautiful doggie. Despite its appearance, it does not melt very much. Has an excellent hearing, an amateur barking loudly.
  5. Chinese Crested Dog. These dogs really do not really molt, since they practically do not have wool. They are roomy, quite difficult to learn.

Hypoallergenic large breeds of dogs

  1. Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd). This breed of the most hypoallergenic breeds of dogs has been deduced specially for protection of the house and family. Its representatives are very devoted and rejected. They need a lot of space for life. Despite the positive qualities of the character Komondor, it is difficult to train. However, the effect after great trouble will indeed be worthwhile.
  2. Bullets. By the look of the coat it is very similar to the Komondor, but, unlike it, training is much easier. Representatives of this breed of dogs with hypoallergenic hair are very cheerful and cheerful, although they are called to protect their house. Bullets are struggling to please all family members with whom they live. If he grew up with your children, they will always find the right defender and friend.
  3. The Giant Schnauzer. An excellent watchman and defender, has a wonderful hunting instinct. An intimidating kind of dog requires space and mobility, is friendly and cheerful. If he does not receive the required attention from the host, he becomes depressed.
  4. Russian black terrier . A strong protector of home and family. Despite its frightening appearance, these representatives of the breed of dogs with hypoallergenic hair are affectionate and tolerant. They like to sleep next to their master and reward him with big and wet kisses.
  5. Irish Terrier. It's a hunter and a security guard who likes to live in a country house with a large and enclosed courtyard. Irish terriers are careful with strangers and are aggressive with other dogs, but very fond of their family.