Earring Chains

Earring chains are elegant, interesting and at the same time there is something childish in them - they are dynamic and attract attention to it. This design is suitable for women of different ages - both young girls and older ladies.

Earrings in the form of a chain - with what to wear?

The earrings of the chain can be densely decorated with stones, and in this case they are combined with festive attire. Simple chain earrings can be worn even under a checkered shirt, if you are attracted to the youth style .

In the usual sense of the style of the earring, chains are in harmony with dresses, but modern fashion allows significant deviations from the rules of stylistics, and therefore they can be combined with clothing style kazhual.

Long chain earrings - choose metal and inlay

Before buying earrings, decide on the metal and stones - the festive chain earrings are richly decorated with stones, and everyday ones allow only a laconic inlay.

Gold chain earrings

Earrings of a chain of gold should be chosen by those who love luxury. Gold glitters, and the dynamic nature of the model makes it possible to demonstrate it most vividly.

Silver chain earrings

Silver chain earrings look modest, but if they are encrusted with the original colored stone, then as a result one can not say about their excessive simplicity.

Earrings chains with diamonds

Earrings chains with diamonds - this is definitely an evening version, if they are encrusted along the entire length. But if the jewelery is located in the area of ​​the clasp, then it can "liven up" the glitter of the earring, and they can come up for everyday use.

Earrings chains with pearls

Earrings chains with pearls look romantic, feminine and elegant. If there is a large pearl at the end of the chain, then this earring will certainly attract attention. At the same time, you can not call this earring a chain of "classical" - after all, in this case the chain does not stretch into the earlobe, and is attached as a punch.