Jim Carrey said how for many years struggled with depression

Recently, the 55-year-old actor confessed to one of the interviews that he suffered from the depression that haunted him for many years. But now everything is in the past and Jim Carrey can openly say that all the problems are behind:

"I was finally able to cope with all the psychological problems that caused me a lot of trouble during the heyday of my creative work. Now I can safely say that I have no depression. I can easily watch the rain outside the window, without fear of any threat. "

Be careful with the Grail

In one episode of a documentary about Jim Carrey, released this fall, the star says of himself that "he sometimes feels happy," and then adds that he can feel even better. According to the actor, what is happening here and now is good, despite the fact that there is something bad:

"Many people, coming into my life, tried to grab their piece of the Holy Grail, but they forgot that this is not something that can be divided."
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Until recently, the actor was haunted by the sad events of the past - his ex-lover committed suicide, after their separation, and the relatives of the deceased were accused of tragedy of the actor. But on all charges Jim Carrey with dignity responded before the law in court.