Sick nipples after ovulation

Pain in the chest, especially in the nasal region, is known to almost every woman of childbearing age. It is connected, first of all, with cyclic changes in the body. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and find out why after the ovulation the nipples hurt and how long it lasts.

Because of what do women experience chest pain in the second half of the cycle?

The main culprit in this situation is the hormone progesterone. Its concentration after the release of the oocyte from the follicle increases sharply and directly it directs the 2nd phase of the cycle, preparing the female organism for a possible pregnancy.

Cells of the glandular breast tissue are also prone to progesterone. Under its influence, stimulation and growth of cells occurs, which leads to an increase in sensitivity and the appearance of soreness.

The thing is that the enlarged cells of the gland lobes in the region of the alveoli and the nipple begin to press on numerous nerve endings. As a result, a woman feels pain in this area.

How long does such a phenomenon last?

Having understood why the nipples begin to hurt after ovulation, it is necessary to say how much such pain can be observed.

Most often, the pain sensation disappears by the end of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Knowing this fact, women can independently determine by their own feelings the time of the approaching menstruation. So, if the soreness has disappeared, then in 3-4 days the menstrual period will begin. Thus it turns out that the normal pain in the nipple region, tingling at the touch can be noted for 7-10 days from the moment of ovulation.

After a physiological decrease in the concentration in the blood of progesterone, which is observed at the beginning of a new cycle, apoptosis occurs - the death of epithelial cells formed during a given period. If this is not observed, there is a possibility of developing fibrocystic mastopathy.

At how violations it is possible to have pain in the nipples after ovulation?

Some women complain to doctors about the fact that their nipples hurt very soon after ovulation. In such cases, we can talk not only about the cyclical mastodynia, which was described above.

It should be noted that the pain in the second half of the cycle, a woman can note and because of a violation of the synthesis of thyroid hormones. It is this body doctors advise to examine at a similar symptomatology.