Allocations after monthly

Often in women there is a situation where, after the last months, there are different types of discharge, color and volume. Let's consider this situation in more detail, and try to identify the main causes of this violation.

Can normal discharge from the vagina after menstruation?

Before talking about the violations that cause discharge after menstruation, it is necessary to say which of them are considered the norm. So, gynecologists say that the discharge from the vagina almost immediately after menstruation is ungovernable, have a liquid consistency and a transparent color. At the same time, there is absolutely no smell. After a while, when the matter comes closer to ovulation, they thicken and their volume may increase. From this it can be concluded that if there are bloody discharge after a month, it is necessary to undergo a survey, because this indicates the development of a violation.

In what cases after the menstrual bleeding can be noted?

Having dealt with what should be the allocation after a recent period, consider the main causes of the appearance of blood from the vagina immediately after menstruation.

First of all, it should be noted that not always the presence of bloody discharge after menstruation indicates a violation. An exception can be the so-called long-term or protracted periods, when the discharge of blood from the vaginal cavity is observed for more than 7 days. It is in such cases, when a woman thinks that the menstruation has already ended, for another 3 days after that, there may be nevy bloody discharge. Such a situation can develop due to the fact that often at the end of discharge, the blood goes out somewhat more slowly, so it can curl up and acquire a brownish hue. Worrying is only if the brown discharge is observed after menstruation for more than 3 days.

The symptomatology described above can also be characteristic of a disease such as endometritis. It is characterized by inflammation of the mucosa of the uterine cavity, which occurs under the influence of pathogens such as streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci. For this type of disease, along with bloody discharge after menstruation, typical pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature, the appearance of general weakness.

With such a violation as endometriosis, the growth of the inner layer of the uterus is observed, as a result of which even a benign tumor can form. This disease is noted mainly in women of reproductive age of 25-40 years. With this violation, except for a prolonged and profuse menstruation, there may be discharge after this process, which, moreover, is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower part of the woman's abdomen.

Appearance after monthly discharge with a smell can indicate the presence of infection in the reproductive system. It is this feature that speaks of the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. This is often noted in the presence of women in the body of pathogens such as ureaplasmas, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, as well as the herpes virus. In such cases, in order to accurately identify the pathogen, a smear of the flora is prescribed to the woman .

Thus, it must be said that every girl should know which discharges after a month can be normal, in order to sound the alarm in time and call a doctor for the appointment of a checkup, and if necessary, treatment.