Why are babies born with cerebral palsy?

Children's cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) is a pathology involving several different symptom complexes, which have a similar nature and causes of development.

Because of what develops cerebral palsy?

Many women who have heard about this pathology, while still pregnant, are wondering why children are born with cerebral palsy.

The main cause of this disease is death or the developmental defect of a particular area of ​​the brain, which develops at an early age or even before birth.

In total, physicians identify more than 100 different factors of development of this disorder, which lead to the development of the CNS pathology of a newborn baby. All of them are united into 3 large groups:

According to statistics, about half of all children with cerebral palsy appear before the due date. Such infants are especially vulnerable because have underdevelopment of organs and systems. This fact only increases the risk of developing hypoxia.

Asphyxia, as one of the reasons why children have cerebral palsy, accounts for about 10% of all cases of development of this disorder. However, a much greater impact on the development of the disorder has a latent infection in the mother, which has a toxic effect on the fetal brain.

In addition to the above reasons, also the development of this pathology is directly influenced by factors such as:

What factors cause cerebral palsy after birth?

Despite the fact that in most cases, cerebral palsy occurs even at the prenatal stage, there is a possibility of the development of the disease after the birth of the baby. So, if we talk about why newborn children develop cerebral palsy, then, first of all, this: