After experiencing many trials, this dog was afraid of all people until it met ...

Each of us needs love and care, and our smaller brothers are no exception. But if a small fluffy lump causes delight and tender feelings, then the grown up pet can not always be expected to respect and attention of the owner.

That's what happened in the life of an English pointer named Nora, the first owners of which brought the puppy to such a state that she began to fear any rustle and even her own shadow. Well, the fact that this girl later found herself in a shelter can be considered a real salvation.

Fortunately, today everything is already in the past. Seven years ago, the Spens family took the dog to their spacious home, trying to restore her the desire to live and trust people:

"Despite the fact that Nora experienced before, we knew that she had a kind and friendly nature," says Elizabeth Spence. "In short, we expected that she would be a wonderful family dog ​​when the time comes ... And she did not disappoint us ! "

Well, in fact, Elizabeth Spence hinted at the fact that very recently they had a third kid, Archie, who managed to help Nora forget all her fears of the past and give her heart to a single friend forever!

You will not believe, but these two are just inseparable!

"Archie is a solid positive, and Nora felt it. Prior to his appearance, she was afraid of almost everyone and everything. But not now ... Now this dog just does not like a soul in Archi! "

And this is so in fact:

"If Archie takes a bath, then Nora will lie next to him on the rug and will not go away until the bath procedures are over. Or even climb to my knees to watch the baby ... "- says the owner of the dog.

But, it seems, most of all these two love to sleep together!

And more sleep!

Well, is not that a mercy?

And just try to separate them - you will not succeed!

Today, Nora and Archie are the best friends, and this is very touching ...

And who is this third one?

By the way, the figure "3" - a favorite in the Spens family. Archie is their third baby, Nora is the third dog, and that's not counting the three rescued cats!

Agree - this is definitely "like"!