What does "tolerance" mean?

What does "tolerance" mean? Will every person who is satisfied be able to answer such a question? Especially when you consider that the modern world is very lacking more tolerant people.

Formation of tolerance

Tolerance is tolerance in relation to a different opinion, way of life , behavior, customs. Synonyms for this concept include leniency.

It should be noted that in every person it is born in the preschool period, at the time when moral values, ideas of good and evil are laid. Of course, in adult life you can cultivate this quality. However, for such changes it will be necessary to make considerable efforts.

Types of tolerance

  1. Natural . Take a closer look at the kids. They are characterized by trustfulness and openness to the world around them. They accept their own parents as they are. This is due to the fact that they have not yet developed an individual model of behavior, the process of personal formation has not passed.
  2. Religious tolerance . It involves showing respect for people who are not your own religion. It is worth noting that the problem of this type of tolerance arose in the ancient period.
  3. The moral . How often do you restrain your own emotions, apply psychological protection in relation to an unpleasant interlocutor for you? This refers to this kind of tolerance. Sometimes a man shows patience, but within him an emotional flame flares up simply because his upbringing does not allow him to do as the soul desires.
  4. Gender Tolerance . Assumes an unbiased attitude towards representatives of the opposite sex. In today's world, the problem of gender intolerance concerning an individual's choice of his role in society, etc. Often, this arises as a result of the amount of ignorance rather than ignorance of the conditions that resulted in the formation of gender . For example, at the moment there are a considerable number of people who hate homosexual people with hatred.
  5. Interethnic tolerance . It is a manifestation of tolerance towards other cultures, nations. In general, the problems of communication between people of different nationalities are manifested in adolescent society. As a result, with the national minority, frequent humiliations engender psycho-emotional disruptions.