Strategies for behavior in a conflict situation

Become a party to the quarrel was all, and therefore, choose one of the strategies for the behavior of the individual in the conflict, too. They are the key to the successful end of the confrontation, and incorrect choice of the model of behavior during the quarrel can lead to the exit from it with great losses.

Strategies for behavior in a conflict situation

It is impossible to imagine a man who has never quarreled with anyone. The very fact of the disorder is not terrible, it is important to be able to find the best way out of the situation. Therefore, a separate discipline is devoted to the study of conflicts and the search for methods for their most painless resolution. As a result of research on this issue, two criteria were singled out, according to which the conflict behavior strategy is chosen: the desire to understand the opponent and the orientation toward satisfying his desires or the focus on achieving only his own goals without taking into account the interests of the opponent. These criteria allow us to distinguish five main strategies of human behavior in a conflict situation.

  1. Rivalry . For this type of behavior is characterized by focus on satisfying their interests to the detriment of the wishes of the opponent. In such a confrontation, there can only be one winner, and therefore the strategy is only suitable for achieving a quick result. Long-term relations will withstand only the elements of the competition in the presence of rules of the game. Full-fledged rivalry will inevitably destroy long-term relationships: friendly, family or working.
  2. Compromise . The choice of this strategy of behavior in the conflict will partially satisfy the interests of both sides. In most cases, the option is suitable for an intermediate solution, giving time to find a more successful exit from a situation that will satisfy both parties to the conflict.
  3. Avoidance . It does not give an opportunity to defend one's interests, but does not take into account the wishes of the other party. The strategy is useful when the subject matter of the dispute is not of particular value, or there is no desire to maintain good relations. With long-term communication, of course, all controversial issues will have to be discussed openly.
  4. Adaptation . The preference for this strategy of a person's behavior in a conflict implies the recognition by one of the parties of the insubstantiality of their interests, with complete satisfaction of desires. This style of behavior is peculiar to people with low self-esteem, who consider their desires absolutely unimportant. To benefit the strategy can, if necessary, preserve good relations and not the special value of the subject matter of the dispute. If the conflict involves serious issues, then this style of behavior can not be called productive.
  5. Cooperation . This strategy involves finding a solution that will satisfy all the parties to the conflict. This approach is reasonable when it is necessary to build long-term relationships. It allows develop respect, trust and understanding among the parties to the conflict. The strategy is especially effective if the subject matter of the dispute is equally important for all its participants. The downside is the impossibility of a quick end to the conflict, since finding a solution that satisfies all parties can take a long time.

It is necessary to understand that there are no bad and good strategies of behavior in a conflict situation, since each has its own advantages and disadvantages when considering in a specific situation. Therefore, it is important to understand what strategy your opponent is pursuing in order to choose a behavior style that will contribute to a successful exit from the situation.