Suggestion at a distance

How would a man not like to believe in it, but we all depend on each other. After all, it is not excluded that most of the thoughts that make up our real "I" are inspired by our close environment. Moreover, you can argue that certain life principles have come themselves, but who knows, maybe your relatives, based on good intentions, have inspired them to you. We will understand in more detail what is suggestion of thoughts and how it happens at a distance.

Telepathic suggestion at a distance

A well-known entertainer who could read the thoughts of his own spectators, Wolf Messing, skillfully applied this technique of hypnosis . According to him, he managed to develop such an ability through diligent training. So, in order to get in touch with the right person, he, first of all, represented his image. Then he most clearly formulated the necessary thought motivating the object for certain actions. The likelihood of communication increased with the emotional intensity of the formulated message.

In addition, suggesting thoughts at a distance helps people to like them, without harming them. The main purpose of this influence is to establish a connection with the subconscious of another person.

Suggesting a person at a distance - modern research

Susan Simpson, a British psychologist, conducted an experiment in which she managed to hypnotize 10 of her patients, many of whom were suffering from phobias and insomnia. She did this through video communication. Ultimately, hypnosis affected a third of all these individuals, who stated that such "communication" at a distance gave a much greater result than in a personal meeting with a psychologist.