Parrot Amazon

Amazons are parrots of large sizes, home to which is South America. There are many kinds of Amazons: Venezuelan, yellow-eared, Surinam, Amazon Muller. For example, the parrot of the breed the Venezuelan Amazon can reach 40 centimeters in height. If you comply with all conditions of detention, the Venezuelan Amazon will live a very long time. How many Amazons live in captivity? From forty to eighty years! Such a pet can become your companion for life.

Often the color of Amazons is dominated by green color. In the wild, the Amazons feed on leaves, fruits and nuts. In the pack, there are often up to three hundred parrots.

Amazon content at home

Among the big parrots it is the breed of Amazons that is distinguished by friendliness and affection for people. Houses can contain both female and male. By the way, even specialists are sometimes very difficult to distinguish the sex of birds. A distinctive feature of these parrots is the possibility of domestication of the Amazon and its training. These parrots can often be seen in the circus, performing various tricks. Amazons quickly learn to imitate and even understand human speech.

If you have an Amazon, feed it with special mixtures that contain nuts and seeds. As an additional food you can use fruits (pears, apples, oranges, grapes and bananas), vegetables (carrots, beets). Sometimes you can pamper the Amazon with a boiled egg or cheese. Drinking water must be freely available. You can spray parrots in the heat with water using a spray gun.

To the cell for the Amazon was comfortable, its size should be large (not less than a measure in height). The cage should be equipped with feeding troughs, a drinker, perches, toys. Better, of course, if the Amazon lives in a spacious aviary, which will positively affect his health, mood and well-being. If the enclosure is located in a room, its dimensions should not be less than 100х150х180 centimeters. The garden enclosure can be made larger - 150x150x200 centimeters, provide a covered part where the bird can hide from heat, cold or rain.

Sexual maturity in the Amazons occurs at the age of four. If you want to bring out the chicks of the Amazon, you need to build a nest box in the enclosure, the dimensions of which are 35x35x80 centimeters. Usually the female lays two eggs, of which after a month of incubation the chicks will appear. In two months they become absolutely independent of the mother.

Features of Amazon Content

Amazons need constant attention from the owner. If you close the bird in a cage for a whole day, it will become nervous, restless, start plucking plumage or biting you. With other animals, the Amazons behave quite friendly. It is necessary to control the communication of Amazon with hamsters, mice and guinea pigs. Only during puberty it is better to protect the bird from communicating with children. In the cell of the Amazon there must be a toy that can be pecked, chewed. If it does not, your things will suffer.

The indisputable advantage of this type of large parrots is their cost. If we compare it with the cost of other species of large parrots, then it is much lower. Buy Amazon is not difficult. Many amateurs and professionals are engaged in their cultivation. The choice is always there. But before you start an Amazon home, think about whether you are in power or you can provide him with the necessary conditions for a full life. Unfortunately, the life story of the Amazons in captivity does not always end well with improper care.