Prunes for weight loss - good and bad

Disputes about whether it is possible to eat prunes while losing weight, do not stop until now. This dried fruit for those wishing to find a beautiful figure can be both useful and harmful.

About the benefits of prunes for the figure

As is known, prunes contain more amount of plant fiber. This can play into the hands of those who adhere to the diet, because coarse fibers have several positive effects on the body.

  1. Getting into the digestive tract, the fiber increases in volume, which leads to a feeling of saturation. Thus, the use of dry berries to some extent helps to quickly cope with the feeling of hunger.
  2. Vegetable fibers, as well as sorbitol contained in prunes, gently cleanse the intestines. Of course, it does not have a direct effect on fat burning processes. However, removal of toxic substances from the body and improvement of microflora helps to speed up the metabolism.
  3. And this is not all that is useful prune for weight loss, because in addition to fiber, it contains many vitamins and minerals. Among them, especially a lot of provitamin A, vitamins B, C, niacin. In addition, dried berries are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. All this helps to accelerate the metabolism, as a result, you will lose weight faster.

Prunes are not only good, but also harm for losing weight

However, those who adhere to the diet, you should still be careful about prunes, because it is a fairly high-calorie product: in 100 grams of dry berries contains about 260 calories, with most of them account for glucose. Thus, in prunes there are many simple carbohydrates that can become cause of hunger after some time after eating the product. So it is not necessary to get too involved with them. For those who lose weight, it is enough to consume 6-10 berries a day. They can be eaten separately as a snack, add to various dishes and yoghurts. In order to clean the intestines, you can prepare a drink from prune for weight loss. The daily norm of berries should be cut, pour boiling water, insist about 30 minutes and drink the resulting broth along with prune slices for the night.

Thus, prunes help to fight excess weight , if you regularly eat it in limited quantities. It is important to understand that it affects indirectly the process of lipolysis, so in order to obtain the effect, it is necessary to adhere to the correct nutrition in general.