Rabbit meat - benefit

The rabbit is not the most frequent guest on our table. Despite its excellent taste and nutritional qualities, this type of meat is not too common and is not included in the list of everyday products. And this is an obvious omission, since nutritionists have long been telling how valuable the rabbit meat is, and its benefits for the human body today do not cause doubt among specialists in healthy nutrition.

Composition and calorie content of rabbit

To taste rabbit is often compared with chicken white meat. And like chicken, it is considered dietary. Useful properties of rabbit meat are due to its unique composition. It is a real storehouse of various vitamins and minerals. In the rabbit there are vitamins C and B, vitamin PP, there are iron, phosphorus , potassium, fluorine and other valuable trace elements. It has very few sodium salts, and the fat content is much lower than in pork and veal. Therefore, the calorie content of rabbit meat is also low, it is willing to include in the menu those who would like to reduce their weight. This product has other advantages.

What is the use of rabbit meat?

In the rabbit, there is a huge amount of protein, and it is 96% absorbed by the human body. It is a very delicate product that is easily digested. Therefore, it is indicated to patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and people suffering from digestive problems. This product is recommended for athletes, young children, nursing mothers, old people. The benefit of rabbit meat is that it is an excellent source of nutrients and is able to optimize protein-fat metabolism. In addition, this type of meat is practically free of allergens, so it is safe even for infants.

What else is useful to rabbit, so this is a unique ability to reduce the likelihood of cancer cells in the human body. It is necessary to include it in your diet to residents of regions with a probability of radioactive contamination and just people who want to minimize the risk of getting cancer. Diabetics are also encouraged to eat rabbit meat, and the benefit of the product in this case is the normalization of blood sugar levels. Rabbit has antioxidant properties, optimizes the production of myelin in brain cells, improves digestibility of oxygen in hypoxia, strengthens the mucous membrane, and phosphorus in its composition has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.