Is it possible to raiseed the nursing mother?

All women love sweets, and after the birth of a child, during the strictest diet, especially you want a sweet one, because you can not give chocolate, sugar, honey to a nursing mother. Raisins will help mammies restore the body after pregnancy and childbirth, acts as a sedative, and besides it has an excellent taste. There are many varieties of grapes from which raisins are made, so a nursing mother can pick a variety of raisins to her taste.

Why can not raisin nurse breastfeeding?

Raisins in breastfeeding should be introduced into the diet very carefully, as it can cause bloating and intestinal colic in the baby, but still, if you really want, you need to try and look at the child's reaction. After all, raisins, in addition to its remarkable taste, has also healing properties. It is rich in potassium, phosphorus, and also contains nicotinic acid, which strengthens the nervous system of the nursing mother. After all, many women after the birth of the child complain of general weakness, constant fatigue, depression and bad sleep, and raisins for nursing mothers can help raise the body's immune forces and strengthen the nerves.

Is it possible for any raisin for nursing mothers?

Lactating mum can be well washed raisins, steamed or steamed with boiling water. Doctors recommend boiling a few minutes of raisins in water and only after that take it for food.

Raisin in lactation can be added to baked apples. Apples need to be washed, cut out the core, pour in a teaspoon of washed raisins and bake in an oven or microwave oven. Also, raisins for nursing mothers can be added to oatmeal, any milk porridge, cottage cheese and curd casseroles or simply to feast on tea. Children can enter in the menu raisins after 1 year, in the form of mashed potatoes, compotes and add to the porridge.

Raisins have too many "virtues" to abandon it during breastfeeding. Raisins for nursing can be it is very useful, it has the property of increasing immunity, and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Also in the suit contains vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts, fructose and sucrose.

But the question is whether the raisins of the nursing mother can be answered only by the baby by its reaction to the introduction of this sweetness into the mother's diet. By the way, doctors recommend breastfeeding mothers after 6 months of breastfeeding to enter the menu of dried fruits. Watching the reaction of the child, you can begin to gradually introduce raisins in the form of compotes. If the reaction does not follow, then you can start eating in small amounts.