Women's milk

Everyone knows that women's milk is the best food for a newborn baby. But few know about its exceptional value. Lack of information can lead to an underestimation of the importance of breastfeeding.

The composition of milk depends on the specific period of life of the baby. The first milk - colostrum, is saturated with proteins, vitamins and salts. And what is especially important for a newborn is the most high-calorie.

On the fourth or fifth day, transitional milk appears, which is more fat. On the 7th - 14th day, the female body starts producing mature milk. It has the highest carbohydrate content. Its composition is not the same not only during the day, but also during the period of one feeding. So, the most fatty milk comes at the end of feeding.

Milk from the female breast is unique in its content. Let's consider its main components.

Composition of human milk

  1. Water. Biologically active liquid makes up most of the milk. Perfectly satisfies the baby's needs for fluids.
  2. Fats. Ideally balanced fats are the source of energy of a growing body. On average, the fat content of women's milk is about 4%. With a lack of fat begins to lag the child in development.
  3. Proteins. Presented as amino acids (taurine, cystine, methionine), albumins, globulins. These substances are a powerful protection against various infections.
  4. Carbohydrates. Fully meet the child's energy needs. A special role belongs to lactose, which helps the correct assimilation of iron and calcium, the proper formation of the nervous system.
  5. Microelements, vitamins. Calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphate - this is one of many useful substances needed in the first year of life.
  6. Hormones, biologically active substances. Important factors of growth and proper development of the child. Absent even in the most perfect children's mixtures.

Women's milk is an ideal combination for the baby of the first year of life. Many components can not be replaced artificially. Mother's milk is well absorbed, provides immune protection and forms a thin, inseparable connection between mother and child.