Folic acid during pregnancy - all the features of the application

During pregnancy, the need for many biologically active substances is increased so that the course of the processes in the body of the future mother and fetus is in accordance with the norms. Consider the role of folic acid in pregnancy, and how it is possible to supply the body with a sufficient dose of this compound.

What is folic acid for pregnant women?

Folic acid is a vitamin B9, soluble in water. The substance in question can be synthesized internally by microorganisms living in the upper part of the intestine, provided the microflora is properly balanced. In addition, it comes with food. A certain reserve of folic acid has every person, he localizes in the liver and is able to supply the body in half a year in case of shortage.

One of the dangerous results of the deficiency of this compound in adults is macrocytic anemia. In pregnancy, folic acid, produced and delivered in low doses, can be the cause of miscarriage, detachment of a child's place, the formation of malformations of the neural tube in a future baby and other pathologies. Considering why folic acid is needed for pregnancy, we can not ignore the woman's poor health due to her deficiency, an increased risk of symptoms of toxicosis, psychological problems, anemia , etc.

Folic acid in early pregnancy

Folic acid, the use of which is recommended for pregnancy at all times, is especially required at the beginning of this trembling period. Women who intend to become pregnant, doctors prescribe folic acid preparations, which is intended to promote the full preparation of the body for the bearing of a child. Applying it in the planning and in the early weeks of pregnancy, the risk of egg cell pathologies, the onset of a stiff pregnancy, spontaneous abortion is reduced. On the contrary, the chances of fertilization increase, the appearance of a healthy fetus.

The importance of the content of the vitamin in the blood of a pregnant woman within normal limits is explained by the fact that it participates in the processes of cell growth. Already after the second week of pregnancy , the neural tube begins to develop actively in the embryo - the primary form of the nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. In this period, even a short supply of vitamin B9 threatens with dangerous intrauterine pathologies:

If such defects are identified, the question of the artificial termination of pregnancy may be raised. In addition, folic acid in pregnancy is required for the proper development of the hematopoietic system of the baby, the formation of blood particles. Still this vitamin is necessary for the formation of nucleic acids, responsible for the inheritance of qualities. Promotes the connection and proper placental maturation.

Do you need folic acid in the second trimester?

Folic acid in the second trimester is needed no less than in the initial. Since this vitamin affects the absorption of iron, its availability in an adequate amount ensures proper oxygen distribution in the tissues required to form parts of the fetal body. Deficiency of this substance in the bloodstream of the future crumbs causes an increase in the level of homocysteine, which leads to the defeat of the vascular walls, provokes the formation of blood clots. As a result, the baby can appear in the world with defects, among which:

This vitamin is important for the maturation of the child's immune system. As for the condition of the female body, thanks to it, sufficient blood production is maintained, the likelihood of anemia and toxicosis decreases. In conditions of deficiency of vitamin B9, preeclampsia may develop - a condition in which pressure increases and swelling of the extremities is observed. In this case, the blood flow through the placenta worsens, which causes inappropriate intrauterine development.

Folic acid in the third trimester of pregnancy

To maintain the normal carrying of the child, folic acid is prescribed in the third trimester, which prevents peeling of the placenta, early rupture of the amniotic membrane, premature delivery. Vitamin B9 ensures the normal functioning of the already existing systems and organs of the child. In late terms, the substance in question is necessary to maintain hemoglobin at the proper level in the maternal blood, to prevent depression, to reduce physical activity.

What kind of folic acid to drink during pregnancy?

Folic acid during pregnancy is necessary in large dosages to meet the needs and the body of the mother, and the body of the embryo. Therefore, the natural intake of this substance is often not enough, and it is required to take pharmaceutical preparations containing B9. In particular, the need for folic acid in pregnancy is felt in such cases:

Folic acid - tablets

Preparations with folic acid may be one-component, i.e. containing only this active component, as well as multi-component - with the inclusion of other vitamins and trace elements (B12, B6, E, C, A, iron, magnesium, calcium , iodine, etc.). According to the main part of specialists, the optimal option is folic acid tablets containing 1 or 5 mg of the ingredient in question.

What foods contain folic acid?

We list the main products containing folic acid:

It is worth knowing that when heat treatment, under the influence of solar radiation, with prolonged storage of food, this important vitamin quickly decays. The use of strong black tea and coffee, bad habits, an abundance of protein foods, the use of certain drugs (for example, anticonvulsant tablets, corticosteroids) contribute to the elimination of folic acid.

How to take folic acid during pregnancy?

Tablets with the content of the described ingredient are taken regardless of food intake. They should not be ground in the mouth, but should be washed down with a large amount of pure, non-carbonated water that does not contain additives. Often the daily norm of folic acid during pregnancy is divided into two or three doses, which it is desirable to exercise every day at the same time.

Folic acid during pregnancy - dosage

If the diet of a woman in a position is diverse, she has no health problems, there are no manifestations of deficiency of the substance under discussion, the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy can be preventive - 4 mg. In cases when a woman is diagnosed with severe vitamin deficiency, pregnancy is not singleton, there is a high probability of abnormalities in fetal development, this dosage can be increased to 6-10 mg per day. The scheme of application is prescribed by a doctor individually.

How much do folic acid take during pregnancy?

How much to drink folic acid during pregnancy, the expert will tell, depending on the course of carrying out the fetus. In most cases, it is advised to start taking the tablet product for a couple of months before the expected conception, to use it during all the stages of gestation and not to cancel the vitamin preparation while breastfeeding.

Overdose of folic acid

An increased dose of folic acid during pregnancy can carry a risk in cases when the excess of its daily intake is estimated at 20-30 mg. With a slight excess of the prescribed amount, the body easily displays excess urine. At the same time, slight disruptions in digestive processes, allergic symptoms, excessive excitability are possible.