Dry cough during pregnancy

Before you start cough treatment, you need to find out its cause and nature. With a dry cough, sputum is not excreted at all, or is released in small amounts. The second name for this cough is unproductive. To make it productive, with sputum (ie, wet), mucus should appear. While it is not, you will suffer from a harsh and exhausting dry cough.

To ease the condition, you need to calm down such a cough. To treat a dry cough during pregnancy is necessary, as it can negatively affect the baby, causing the tone of the uterus during attacks. And with a low attachment of the placenta, it can trigger the onset of bleeding. Yes, and the woman feels exhausted, while during her pregnancy, she is haunted by a dry cough.

Causes of dry cough

There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a cough - various diseases such as measles, whooping cough and others, the initial stages of ARI, allergic exacerbations. During pregnancy, cough often develops on the background of ARI and is accompanied by other "delights" of colds - a runny nose, fever, lability.

Wait until the cough itself goes into the wet stage or passes without treatment, you can not. We must begin the fight with him as soon as possible.

Treatment of dry cough in pregnant women

Dry cough is treated with antitussive drugs. Not all of them are allowed during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important not to engage in self-medication, but to ask the doctor. Always carefully read the instructions that come with the preparation. It should not contain narcotic substances such as morphine or codeine. A small loophole when choosing any medication - if it is allowed to children under 3 years old, it is permitted to pregnant women.

In any case, taking even the most innocuous drugs is not advisable during pregnancy, especially in its first trimester. To the aid come various advice of traditional medicine.

Cough inhalation is very good, they are absolutely safe in pregnancy. A severe cough in pregnant women instantly calms down when the vapor is inhaled from hot potatoes, baking soda solution or alkaline mineral water. You can prepare a vegetable decoction based on medicinal herbs chamomile, plantain, sage, lime-colored or St. John's wort.

Inhalations can be carried out with the help of special devices - inhalers. Or the old "grandmother's" way - over a saucepan, covered with a towel.

To be treated from a dry cough at pregnancy it is possible and by means of the grassy broths accepted inside. There are a lot of recipes with the use of herbs, which relieve dry cough. All broths should be drunk in a hot form to warm up the throat.

As a warm drink, milk with honey, butter and soda will do. In the milk, you can add mineral water - this is also an effective method for coughing dry cough.

Another home method for treating dry cough during pregnancy is rinsing. They should be done after a meal or in between meals. Gargle should be rinsed frequently - every 2 hours. To prepare solutions, use a variety of herbal preparations. They can be cook yourself or buy already ready at the pharmacy.

To prevent dry cough, you need to monitor the humidity in the room where you spend most of your time. Dry air provokes a cough, so you either need to buy a moisturizer, or act in the old fashioned way - hang a wet towel on the battery, spray the moisture or put water vessels in the room. Regular wet cleanings are important in any case.

Before starting any treatment, be sure to check with your doctor. All appointments, including non-pharmacological ones, must come from him.