Why does the child sweat?

Very often parents wonder why a child sweats in a particular situation, and whether to worry about this. Is severe sweating in your baby a symptom of a serious illness? Every parent cares about his child and wishes him only the best, so the mother should know about the possible diseases, the symptoms of which is excessive sweating.

Why does the child sweat when falling asleep?

Young parents face at the same time a multitude of issues that they can not solve independently. For example, some of them can not understand why a child sweats at night. The first thing doctors talk about when a baby sweats when falling asleep is a sign of rickets.

But you should know that in addition to these signs, this disease is accompanied by a number of other symptoms: restless sleep, weight loss, poor appetite, sweating of palms and feet. If they are present, it is better to show the baby to the cardiologist, neuropathologist and endocrinologist and, of course, to the pediatrician.

Serious diseases, the symptoms of which are excessive sweating, can be cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria. If there are suspicions, the mother can show the child to the doctor and conduct a full body examination.

But most often the main reason for wet pajamas is the imperfect functioning of the autonomic nervous system of a small man. When he gets older, he will outgrow this problem.

Why does the child sweat in a dream after illness?

If the child began to sweat after the illness he had suffered - do not worry, - thus, the baby's body comes back to normal. After all, with the disease, excessive sweating due to weakness and fever always occur. As soon as the child gets stronger (within 1-2 weeks) all functions will be restored.

Why does the child sweat during feeding?

Often, during breastfeeding, the baby sweats. This does not mean a disease or disorder in the baby's body. During feeding, the child is in great difficulty getting food for himself, it becomes a great physical exertion for him. At the same time, he sweats, especially at the end of feeding, when the milk in the mother's breast becomes smaller.

In addition, the reason why a child sweats when eating, is a huge expenditure of energy to assimilate food, like any other person.

But in an adult this process is already stable, and the baby is only being formed, which causes a large release of heat. Blood actively poured into the stomach, causing excessive release of heat energy. Also, perhaps, the child is too wrapped up. Do not wear it too warm, enough light clothing.

Why does the child sweat his feet and palms?

If the baby sweats legs, it can indicate stress, increased fatigue, improper metabolism, worms, vegetovascular diseases. It is worthwhile to show the child to the doctor, as sweating can become a signal of the disease. But if everything is good, then maybe he has sweaty feet because of wearing tights or socks made of synthetic materials.

If the baby is sweating, do not look for negative explanations for this. In children up to a certain age, there is still no heat exchange in the body and this leads to sweating. When the child grows up, everything will return to normal, and sweating of the hands will take place only during excitement.

Why does the child sweat head and nose?

Doctors distinguish, what are the main reasons, in addition to a strong sweating of the head in the baby should pay attention - it's heart disorders, a lack of vitamin D, colds. If you are watching this from your child - it's worth contacting a specialist. Basically, when there are no such signs, a strong sweating is associated with the individual characteristics of the body.