How quickly to increase platelets in the blood?

Lack of platelets in the blood can be dangerous to health, especially if the indicator reaches a critical level. Platelets are blood cells responsible for stopping blood from cuts and wounds. They form clots that do not allow it to flow further. Bloody bodies are glued together and adhere to the walls of the damaged vessel, creating a kind of "cork", which contributes to the healing of wounds. If there are not enough of these blood corpuscles, if there are injuries, there is a risk of considerable blood loss, even when the damage is insignificant and, at first glance, carries no danger.

How quickly to raise platelets in the blood?

You can do this:

Healthy food

In order to quickly increase the level of platelets in the blood, you can eat such fresh raw vegetables and fruits as:

And then you should mention how you can not eat, otherwise a rapid increase in the level of platelets will be threatened. First of all, it will hurt:

Eliminate these products until the result of your blood test is within the limits of the norm.

Omega-3 fatty acids

If eggs that are rich in Omega-3 are available to us daily, then it is not always possible to use flaxseed oil, tuna and salmon regularly. Therefore, it is more appropriate and more convenient to buy a drug with Omega-3 in the composition and to take a platelet every day, according to the instructions.

Vitamins and minerals

You will need 1000 mg of vitamin C per day, this will greatly accelerate the production of the right blood cells. Papaya leaves, pounded in a mortar and cooked as a decoction, will also help. But this can already be attributed to how to increase platelets folk remedies.

Such a decoction can also be prepared from the following herbs:

Water to normalize the level of platelets

We all know about the need to consume clean water in an amount not less than two liters per day. Therefore, in order for the blood composition to be within the norm, you will need to drink warm or room-temperature water. Thus, more cells that are missing in the blood will form.

Sleep and gymnastics

Needless to say, rest and sleep affect not only the composition of blood, but also the health of the whole organism. Therefore, do not neglect the night's sleep, since without proper rest, all the recommendations that we have submitted may be powerless.

Concerning elementary physical exercises is the training of the cardiovascular system and the normalization of blood circulation, as well as the strengthening of immunity. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, do exercises and enough sleep, the question of how quickly to increase platelets in the blood will not even arise. Exception is made only by hereditary or autoimmune diseases, in which the level of platelets can only be used with the help of medications.

General recommendations

Before taking medications and vitamins, you need to consult a doctor and agree on the dose and time of admission. The doctor will give you a second blood test and thus be able to monitor how effective your treatment is.

How to increase the level of platelets in the blood quickly, you already know, but do not forget that the life of the platelet is not more than ten days. It follows that all of the above methods should be used for a fairly long time. But a healthy diet and lifestyle in general, it is better to make it a priority.