Asymmetry of the face

As a living organism, a bilateral symmetry of the right and left sides of the body is inherent in man. At the same time, this symmetry is not ideal, a vivid example is the dominance of right-hand functions in right-handers and left-handers in left-handers, some difference in the size of the feet. But if minor differences in the limbs are perceived as a norm, the asymmetry of the face often becomes a source of serious psychological discomfort.

Is face asymmetry normal or pathological?

Absolutely symmetrical faces do not exist, and a small difference in the proportions between the right and left half of it is subconsciously perceived by us as harmony. Venus Milo - the standard of female beauty since antiquity - is no exception. The asymmetry of her face is manifested in the fact that the left eye and the left ear are slightly higher than in the right part, and the nose is slightly deflected to the right.

As a rule, the right side of the face is a bit wider, the features are more harsh, firm, and courageous. The left half is slightly elongated in the vertical axis and has softer, smoothed outlines. It is well known to public figures who, before the lens of a camera, always tend to turn the most profitable foreshortening.

Such a natural asymmetry of the face is called individual. It is not visible to the naked eye and gives personality uniqueness and charm. Correction of facial asymmetry is required only with a pathological difference in proportions, which is conventionally equal to 2-3 mm in linear measurements and 3-5 degrees in angular dimensions.

Causes of asymmetry of the face

In scientific circles, more than 25 reasons are mentioned for the fact that the right and left sides of a person are not exactly identical. Roughly speaking, any asymmetry of the face can be either congenital, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the bones of the skull, or acquired. Congenital pathologies are explained by heredity, defects of intrauterine development of the fetus. Subsequently, muscle fibers can make them completely invisible, and sometimes vice versa, emphasize the shortcomings.

The reasons for the acquired asymmetry of the face are varied, most often these are traumas and the transferred diseases:

Our habits, mimicry and physiological play an important role. If one's eyes are constantly screwed up, chewing gum by one side of the jaw, sleeping only on a certain side, sooner or later it will affect the face.

Treatment of facial asymmetry

Not every manifestation of a person's disproportionality requires medical intervention. If the reason for the asymmetry of the face lies in the weakness of the muscle tone, gymnastics for the face and massage with emphasis on certain mimic muscles are very helpful. Excellent hides the small flaws correctly selected hair. A man will be completely transformed by a mustache or beard, and women have a powerful weapon in the fight against their own imperfection is makeup.

With serious pathological changes, medicine comes to the rescue. How to correct the asymmetry of the face in each case, the consultation of a specialist will tell: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, a maxillofacial surgeon, orthodontist. The main task: to find out the cause, and then treatment of facial asymmetry will consist in its elimination, and if this is not possible, correction of the consequences. Cosmetic surgery in this sense is the last instance, but its possibilities are truly enormous.

Asymmetry of a person in psychology

Conduct the experiment: upload your photo to any graphics editor (in the photo you should look directly at the lens, the face is illuminated evenly). Now divide it vertically into two parts exactly along the middle line of the face, and then alternately mirror the right and left halves. Look carefully at the portraits, composed of left and right halves - completely different people!

What does the asymmetry of a person show to psychologists? About how great the difference between your actions, the way of life and the sphere of your emotions, about the level of inner harmony of man. After all, the right side of the face reflects the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic, thinking, the practical side of life. The left side is a projection of feelings and experiences, and they are under the control of the right hemisphere. Thus, a portrait of the right halves is called "vital", and from the left "spiritual".

Professor A.N. Anuashvili developed and patented the method of video-computer psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection (VKP). Processing the "left" and "right" portraits, the computer program gives a very accurate psychological portrait, predicts the behavior of a person in this or that situation, and also gives recommendations on harmonization of the practical and spiritual spheres of the individual. The professor believes that even a daily look at oneself "different" can save many psychological problems.