Why do the dracaena's leaves dry?

Flower growers -lovers gladly bred a room dracaena , because it is famous for its unpretentiousness to care. They do not need a daily spray, no additional lighting, or a constant temperature. Actually, all care takes only a couple of minutes a week. And yet sometimes there are some problems - the tips of the leaves of the flower begin to dry up, because of which all its appearance is lost.

Why do the dracaena leaves turn yellow and dry?

If you notice that your dracaena dry leaf ends, you must first determine the cause and only then start to fight with an unpleasant phenomenon. The main reasons are as follows:

  1. The life of a leaf has ended , especially it can be carried to the bottom. Usually the leaves live 1,5-2 years, after which the adult specimens begin to turn yellow and dry out, that is, die off. This quite natural process in dracaena, when the lower leaves dry, runs quite slowly, and so that the plant does not lose its attractiveness, you can simply cut the dried ends to living tissue. Do not rush to cut the entire leaf, because even a third of it can work on a flower.
  2. A fairly common reason why leaves dry the dracaena is dry air in the room . The method of fighting is quite simple - start regularly spraying the plant with water or install a humidifier in the room.
  3. Leaves can dry and because of overflow of the plant . Due to excessive soil moisture, the flower begins to gradually die, and the yellow tips are only the first symptom. To accurately determine this cause, feel the barrel of the dracaena - if it is soft, then it is a matter of overflow. Extract the flower from the pot, dry its roots, cut off those that have time to bend and transplant to a new land.
  4. Reverse the previous reason why the dracaena dry and fall off leaves - The plant does not have enough moisture . If the earth litter is too dry, this will naturally affect the leaves. They will dry, and eventually disappear altogether. To find the golden mean, you need to water when the ground dries completely, but still do not tighten with watering.
  5. If the flower is exposed to direct sunlight , this will adversely affect the leaves. The plant loves more shady places, and from the sun it dims and loses decorativeness.
  6. From a draft or too low a temperature, the leaves can also turn yellow. In this case, you need to raise the temperature to + 18 ° C and get rid of drafts, especially in winter.