Fish botsia

Botsia fish in Russia until a certain time were a rarity, and only recently their supplies from abroad have increased. The native land of these fishes is the rivers and lakes of Southeast Asia. The variety of species assumes a huge number of variations in color.

Types of Botsia

Bertius Berdmore, she's also a brindle

One of the most beautiful fish, covered with dark oval spots, horizontal stripes along the back. Very bright, colorful fish. In the light of day, she prefers to hide in cover, the time of her activity is night. Sufficiently demanding of water, as in nature it lives in pure flowing waters, saturated with oxygen. Bright light can not stand. He prefers to swim closer to the bottom, loves to hide in snags, caves, between stones.

In food, it is rather unpretentious, perfectly tolerates frozen food. As activity wakes up only by night, it's better to feed the bots late at night.

Chess Botsia

Incredibly beautiful and elegant aquarium fish. Has an elongated body (up to 10 cm) with light fins in a black strip. Loneliness does not like, requires a community of congeners, therefore it is better to keep chess bots in groups of 6 individuals. Active day. Just like her tiger relative, she likes shelter, snags and caves, muted lighting.

For the first time it was described only in 2004, that is why it is rare in pet stores.

Botsia Clown

The body of the clown's body is slightly rounded, color yellow or orange, with three broad transverse striae. Under natural conditions, the clown's botsa can grow up to 30 cm, but in an aquarium this length is rarely reached.

The clowns are quite demanding for the conditions of keeping the bots: the aquarium is not less than 200 liters, the shelters (driftwood and caves) are mandatory, the illumination is muffled, the water hardness is 5-10º, the pH is maximum 8.0, the temperature is up to 30ºС. Required aeration, filtration, daily water changes. In addition, clown bots are susceptible to various diseases and react very strongly to the conditions of care. Therefore, novice aquarists are not recommended to keep this type of botsia.

Bengal Botsia

Spectacular aquarium fish botsiya with nine black transverse bands on the golden body. This botsiya more calmly refers to the intermittent aeration than the clown botsia: due to intestinal breathing, she does not experience oxygen starvation. But to the ground and the purity of water, Bengali bots are as choosy as clowns. For contamination, they immediately react with bacterial infections and even ulcerative processes.

Diseases of bots are successfully treated with antibiotics in the early stages.

Netted botsia, it's the hummingboss

This beautiful fish with a chocolate grid on the body prefers to stay awake during the day. Constantly in motion, absolutely not demanding to the stern. He prefers to be in a group of his own kind, so usually the bosses buy a flock. Very impressive looks a group of 10-15 hummingbird bots. Unfortunately, the producers of this kind of fish are prone to cannibalism.

All varieties of botsia can not be described. Marble, red-fin, bosia chameleon, Helodes, Dario, Rostrata, etc. All species unite an extremely mobile way of life, an inquisitive character, a peaceful attitude towards other fish, and a tendency to petty hooliganism.

Diseases of the bots are due to their propensity for overeating: they can not afford to miss a fat worm or an extra crumb of bread. Therefore, most often the bots suffer from obesity of internal organs. From proper care and nutrition will depend on how much the bots will live. In the absence of stresses on which these fish react very strongly, with proper nutrition and proper care, the botsia can live for ten years.