A drinking bowl for a hamster

Every pet needs our care - a cozy place, quality food and, of course, clean water. If a hamster lives in the house, then he will need a drinker. It can be quickly manufactured independently from improvised means.

How to make a drinking bowl for a hamster yourself?

The usual bowl has many drawbacks - a hamster often turns it over, falls asleep with debris and food, and, having soaked in a puddle, the animal itself can catch a cold and die.

To make a drinking bowl for a hamster yourself, you will need:

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  1. Take the bar and screw it to the lid with screws. .
  2. The can is placed inside the covers and marked with a height marker. An arch for the handle is planned, for which it will be possible to get a drinker. Using scissors cut out along the line.
  3. It remains to collect water in the inner vessel and place it in the bolted covers. In the second vessel you can pour food.
  4. Any small saucer with water baby with ease throws when climbs into it. As a rule, if you install and fix a drinking bowl for a hamster on a bar, the design is stable, it can not turn it over. And since the water is on the bar on the dais, the debris from the cage also will not enter the drink. A small handle will allow you to change and install clean water for a hamster every day. This is the convenience and reliability of such a simple design.

A well-equipped cage and comfortable feeder will help the animal to stay healthy and well-fed, and for a long time it will please the owners with their lovely pranks.