Children's beds from solid wood

The best material for making a baby crib at all times was considered to be natural wood. Now the frame, the sides and the pallet of the bed are made of it. If the furniture has parts of metal or plastic, it significantly reduces the cost of its cost, because these materials are considered traumatic for the baby. So, how to choose children's and teenage beds from solid wood? About this below.

Type of wood

The tree is a unique structure that can positively influence the atmosphere in your apartment. Metal and plastic are considered to be "dead materials" that can not radiate heat and bring joy. Unlike them, ecological wood not only gives heat, but has some healing properties. Depending on the type of wood, the bed can have one or another of the following qualities:

  1. Children's bed from solid oak . Oak wood is one of the most durable in the world, so buying such a crib you can be quiet about its reliability. The dense material keeps the screws and nails well, which is very important for children's furniture. On such a crib, you can safely jump and frolic.
  2. Children's bed from solid pine . The main advantage of pine is its strong disinfecting properties. This is especially true when making cots for babies. If your child decides to taste the edge of his crib, then you do not have to worry about the hygiene of this fascinating procedure.
  3. Beds from other types of wood. A good analogue of oak can come ash. It has an unusual texture, reminiscent of mahogany and at the same time is resistant to deformations. If you are looking for relatively inexpensive furniture, then consider products made of alder or beech.

The lineup

For children up to three years old, it is desirable to choose classical models with high removable edges. For older children, a loft bed of solid wood that combines a bed, table and even a small locker is useful.

If your family has two children, then a bunk bed made of solid wood will be the most suitable option. It is desirable that the chosen model was equipped with drawers and a sturdy ladder.