Mamenkin's son - what to do?

"Mama's son" is a concept that often covers women's forums, magazines, portals, etc. The topic is raised for a reason, since this phrase is of interest to many women, it is possible that it is a problem of our time. Thousands of women, faced with this problem, cry for help. Therefore, we will try to figure out how to live with my mother's son.

How to deal with mama's son?

"Mama's son" - in a concept close to science means a man who in the adolescent period has not "separated" from his mother in terms of psychological attachment .

Most often these men show these qualities before the wedding. How to recognize the mother's son? - it turns out that it's easy, if you remember the main features:

  1. During the meeting your young man rushes to his mother at the first call.
  2. Without end and beginning, he calls mother, telling how he ate, what he put on, where he went, etc.

Due to the not sagacity of some girls, these moments go unnoticed, but after the wedding the mother will take her place in the life of your man, and you will always be on the bench of spare.

But, if it so happened, the husband is a mama's son, then "What to do?" Becomes the main task, which must be solved in the nearest future. After all, it's still possible to change the mother's son before the wedding, but the question "How to change the mama's son after the wedding?" Is truly a problem. The option of retreat is no longer there, the ring on the finger, plans for the future are built, but there is not a high probability that they will come true if your mother always stands in your way.

How to fix mama's son?

The advice of a psychologist about the husband - her son's mama is:

  1. In any case, do not inherit the behavior of an adored mother, do not take her position, thereby not replacing one commander with another. If your husband is satisfied with the situation, then most likely you will find it difficult to do anything, except to do much harm, which is the least needed.
  2. You need to accept that it is convenient for your husband that his mother decides everything for him, that she is an authority for him, but you just need to gradually limit his communication with his mother and conduct all sorts of "unhindered" talks about things that do not satisfy you.
  3. Create a trusting relationship with him, so that not only your mother-in-law has no influence on him, but you too. The main thing: no conflicts and quarrels with his mother. Otherwise, the result will be sad.

How to win mama's son?

Since in the modern world there are a lot of ponds of men of this type, some beautiful ladies ask the question: "Is it possible to win at all the heart of such a ... knight?". And the answer is ingeniously simple. To win a mother's son, you must replace his mother. Become the woman who cared about him, cooked, washed for him and courted everything. With you, he should feel at home.

But do not overdo it with care and attention, as a man will begin to feel to you a purely related feelings. Do not forget, that you are a wife and a beloved woman. Not only my favorite, but also strong, independent and, it is not excluded, that artful. After all, your goal is to train your mother's son to become independent, "turn a rag" into a strong personality, who can make decisions independently without resorting to an indispensable mother during the first opportunity she gets.

Remember that, despite the difficulties in family life with a representative of the stronger sex of this category, the result of his re-education will not be long in coming. The main thing is to follow the above tips and believe in your love.