Allergy to dust - treatment

Any dust is inhomogeneous. It contains many particles that can cause allergies:

Any of these fragments in the dust can cause an allergy, but more often it's a dust mite.

What are the symptoms of allergy to household dust?

Symptoms of dust allergy are:

Treatment of allergies to house dust

What if I have an allergy to dust? It is necessary to take such actions:

  1. Remove sources of dust where possible and often do wet cleaning.
  2. Take antiallergenic and decongestants such as Loratadine, Suprastin, Ebastin, Dimedrol and others.
  3. Increase the immune system resistance to allergens.

Treatment of allergy to dust by folk remedies

There are very effective folk remedies that are good for dust allergies.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients. 4 spoonful of mixture, add water, leave overnight. In the morning, boil and again insist 4 hours, after drain. Drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day for 1/3 cup. To drink 3 courses for 1 month with a break of 10 days.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Dilute in water mummy, drink strictly in the mornings for 20 days.